Butter vs Margarine

Butter vs Margarine

Butter vs Margarine Hi Ladies,

I am relying on you to help settle an argument between my husband and myself. Which is better butter or margarine. I want to go back to using butter as it doesn’t contain soya which of course has plant estrogens and as my cancer is er positive am I right? However he has a point butter does have the bad fats in it and then of course it will raise my cholestral. I know that the margarine has only low levels of soya in it but surely better to avoid if you can.

Silly argument really but you know how men can go on and on so any help please.


HI Kiwi

If you want to avoid butter and soya, there is a spread called PURE with sunflower, it contains no soya or dairy but does have omega 3, it’s in a yellow tub and available in supermarkets.

Paddy xx

How much butter do you think you will eat? Unless you are slathering it onto all you eat and using masses in cooking, I do not believe it will be doing massive harm. Many margarines have hydrogenated fats in them which are far more harmful. Butter is a natural substance, and contains some vitamins and minerals not easily obtained otherwise (notably Vit. D.)

If you prefer butter, then stay with it, but keep the quantity down.

thanks Thanks ladies, was a silly argument with my husband who thinks he knows absolutely everything. As I only use the butter on my toast in the morning I will continue to eat it after all nothing tastes quite as good as butter.
