Buying a house

There may be a house coming up that my husband and I should be able to afford…

What’s the deal with mortgages? Will they give us one with my diagnosis?

Would it be better for my husband to go in on a mortgage with someone else (his sister or someone)?

It’s quite tricky, as my husband isn’t on a lot of money, I’m only on DLA at present (job interview on Thursday) but if I get this job, we can afford the mortgage…

It’s all so confusing.

Hi Poannie

I bought my flat on my own after my primary diagnosis – and have just had to re-mortgage (fixed rate was up) after my secondary diagnosis. The question of my illness never came up in the mortgage applications. It’s the life insurance that most people take out that the diagnosis affects. I have a friendly financial advisor, who came recommended by a string of friends, he helped me through the process and got me the best deals etc. It may be worth you having a quick chat with one (they usually only charge if and when the house purchase is completed) for initial advice. You may find in the current financial climate it’s actually finding a decent mortgage deal that’s difficult rather than whether anyone will lend you the money! Good luck.