Ca 15-3...positive!

Hello, I am writing about my mum. She’s 50 years old and recently she had blood in only 13 days from the start of her circle. She went to a doctor that did un ultrasound and found an ovarian cyst and a small polypus in the uterus. She was advised by her doctor to make a blood test for cancer markers and we just got the results. CA 15-3 was elevated (it was 42, while the limit is only 30), while the other markers were normal. Let me notice that she has not done a mammography the past few years (she’s really scared) and there no lumbs at her breast, expanded lymph nodes and family history of any kind of cancer. I know that those markers are used for prognostic reasons for women with known breast cancer. What are the chances that this elevation is due to another benign condition, such as mastopathy? She is having a mammography soon, but she is freaking out about it…She’s convinced she has breast cancer!Thanks in advance!

Hi Christina, 

I am sorry that you and your mother are going through this anxious time and I am sure some of our users will be along soon to share their experiences and offer their support. 

In the meantime please do call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about your mums experience and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant