Cabbage Leaf remedy or NOT?

Hi all,
Been reading in this forum about remedies to help whilst going through Radiation treatment, start mine Mid August.
Had a thought… Would a cabbage leaf that has been in the freezer for a few minutes applied to the breast help with any RADS after effects. I did do this after childbirth to help with engorged breasts.
Done some Googling and found…

Cabbage Leaves:
“Extensive modern research largely confirms its ancient use in folk medicine, and it has been shown to stimulate the immune system and the production of antibodies. Its sulfur compounds are largely responsible for its antiseptic, antibiotic, and disinfectant actions”

Any thoughts?

Just started rads and a friend suggested using cabbage leaf to cool down breast etc as she used it during treatment and didn’t have any major soreness. Old age remedy for breast feeding enforcement etc. Throwing this out there again. Looking back on posts this keeps cropping up. Perhaps we should trial it? D xx

YES!!! It really does work! I had a very sore nipple during radiotherapy, and was somewhat surprised when the lady treating me one day suggested cabbage leaves. She said to keep the cabbage in the fridge so it was really cold. Well we had no cabbage in the garden but we did have broccoli, so I used that, and it was AMAZING! It felt so nice and cool, even fresh from the garden on a hot day, and moulded very intimately to my contours. Over the course of the day the leaf changed from fleshy to tissue paper, and had to be peeled off at bedtime (it didn’t stick), but it meant that my clothes just glided over it with no soreness on my skin. And it’s cheap and has no side effects apart from a slight cabbagey aroma wafting out of the neckline of whatever you wear. DO IT!!


I also moisturised religiously starting a few days before and going on for a couple of weeks afterwards.