Cabin fever

Kulakatz, I know exactly what you mean. I normally love christmas shopping, so in the past, it’s all been down to me, and I just can’t quite see how it’s going to happen this year! I have tried telling the kids that the best present they could have is the fact that I’m still here…lol… didn’t work!!

I don’t get paid til 23rd, start chemo 0n 17th, and that combination is enough to fill me with dread, let alone the thought of how frantic the shops will be by then! OH did say we could use his bank card and go together, but is now looking horrified each time I suggest a possible day/time to go into town… but I am determined that we will get stuff done on Friday!!

I am 3 and a half weeks post mx, and I drove the Galaxy for the first time yesterday - had anc on left side, and knew I couldn’t cope with hand brake/gears before now. I only used it to take kids to school (two mins up the road, thought it would be a good trial run, and it was SO cold yesterday!), and it was ok - but I wouldn’t want to drive it much farther. I have a little smart car too, which is automatic, and that is a lot easier, but even so, half an hour is enough, even holding the steering wheel becomes a bit of a chore - but I’m keeping at it!!

Sophie xx

Hiya Sophie!

Hope your good recovery after surgery continues matey (my surgery is prob in Feb after chemo).

I hope you have a productive day on Friday matey? I took my hubby to West Quay (in Southampton) to try and do as much shopping in one area as is possible in one day. I was close to my chemo date, so had more energy then…

Well, it was a nightmare!!! OK, I am a bit dramatic, but as I said in another post, usually I do all the shopping etc for xmas. I am not able to work and don’t have an income at present so have to rely on hubby to pay for presents, but normally I pay for everything. Well, he was almost going into spasms at having to pay for gifts. He wanted to shop around and compare prices in different shops and I was just grabbing things left, right and centre like a supermarket challenge with Dale Winton. Can you picture it?

It was a real experience to see how his eyes pop. I didn’t really get my own way as he was holding the credit card, but there will not ever be a repeat of taking him with me again. I can imagine if I did send him out by himself we would all end up with stuff from the pound shop. he he.

Anyway Sophie, I hope you have more luck than me? he he

Is anyone trusting the hubbys to do the xmas shopping this year?

Lotsa love Lone (Kulakatz) x

Lone - sadly, I think my christmas shopping will be a very, very similar story! Not going to West Quay tho… sticking to Salisbury, and I think that will be hectic enough! My OH’s contribution to the older two kids christmas presents last year was… (drumroll please)… a union jack keyring each. Gosh, just what every 15 and 13 year old has been dreaming of!!

I’m just waiting for him to have heart failure on how much the stockings cost to fill… don’t think my elder two will be getting ipod vouchers in them this year! Stockings may well be poundland…

Sophie xx

Hi All,

I went to Southampton Christmas shopping with my husband too. We went to Ikea first to get some toys and after the trip around the shop he was so stressed we didn’t make West Quay!!! We did sopp for coffee on the way home at Whiteley and after some refreshment I got him around a few more shops there! I have only been married to my husband for 5yrs and only 2 of those cancer free!

The christmas after my 1st husband left he sent his Mum, sister etc a bottle of wine and sent our sons a Christmas card with a £10 note in it! My son said to me “oh so you’ve done all the present buying then.” YES all the shopping always!!!

Jackie x

You girls do make me laugh! Sorry. It is just that I can really sympathise with you. (I am not laughing at you - sorry if that came out wrong?)

So Paul, are you out there? I suppose you are going to tell us that you are doing more than our husbands are? (just joking!) I know there are some good guys out there just like you… I am hoping my husband will transform into one of them by xmas… bless him.

I am on my good week this week… So am going to go for it and ask anyone who will take me out and shop till I drop!

Good luck to the rest of you!

Lone xx