has anyone heard of calcification and what is it had biopsey done awaiting results
Hi elainer
Sorry can’t help but the helpline ladies might be able to advise; they’re really supportive and helpful
Good luck with your results dee49
Hi Elaine,
Calcifications are deposits of calcium in the breast and can occur as a result of injury or inflammation or just the process of ageing.
Sometimes they can be a sign of DCIS - Ductal Carcinoma in Situ - which may require treatment to prevent invasive cancer developing. If it is DCIS, then it has been caught at a very early stage. There is a lot more information on this site and you can call the helpline to ask any questions about your individual situation while you’re waiting for the results or afterwards if you need treatment.
The waiting is horrible so do post back on here if you’re worried and lots of ladies will join in to support you. Good luck and let us know what happens.
E xx
Hi Elaine
Here’s the link to the BCC calcifications information which you may wish to read, also the helpline team are there to support you and answer queries you may have too, the number to call is 0808 800 6000 weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2:
Best wishes
Hi,A friend was diagnosed the same time as me, her right breast was full of calcifications. She had a mastectomy due to this, but never had any further treatment, no radiotherapy or chemo
i had calcifications and my tumour was tubular and minute in size so the mammo and scan did not detect a lump as such but i had the biopsy done as the rest is history so to speak. the waiting is hellish we all know this but im sure you will find all the info and support you need on this forum its been a godsend to me.
Hi Elaine
After my first routine mammogram two years ago I was called back and told I had calcifications in my left breast. I was told that this could be a sign of early breast cancer. I had a biopsy and I went back the next week for the results. I had been told that in only 10% of cases would the results be precancerous. Unfortunately I was one of the 10%. I was told I had DCIS - ductal carcinoma in situ.
I was told the DCIS may or may not turn invasive but I was advised to have a mastectomy. I had a mastectomy in October 2008, one week later I got my results and I was told that I did have a small grade 2 tumour developing so for me it was the right decision to have a mastectomy. (There is some controversy about DCIS being over treated when it is picked up on screening)
Fortunately, I did not have to have radiotherapy. I was given Tamoxifen because the tumour was oestrogen receptive. I had very bad side effects though and the consultant told me to stop taking Tamoxifen. (Many women take it without having any side effects)
I have decided not to have a reconstruction.
I had never heard of calcifications before being recalled.
I hope this answers your question … and a bit more besides!
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Maude xx
Hi All,
Very new to all this, After my first ever mamagram I was called back everyone I spoke to said that the mamagram is uncomfertable and a bit painful if you are on the large side bust wise thats me and I have no pain threashhold at all! as mine was fine I thought maybe the girl did it wrong, boy was I wrong saw a doc who said I had calification and they would do I biop which I had 2 weeks later still very confident nothing wrong saw a doc 2 weeks later who said the calcification were benign but they had found DCIS last Thursday I had an MRI scan in the tunnel face down for an hour no fun, I have to go back to the hospital this Friday and I am now scared stiff I am terrified about what they say and what sort of treatment I may face. I hope that makes sense and sorry to ramble on.