Calcifications found and mammogram guided biopsy

In February, I found a lump in my left breast. I’m 44 and never had lumps before. I went to the GP a few days later and he found another lump. He referred me straight to the breast clinic and I was lucky enough to get an appointment that week.

The radiologist did the normal mammogram then a magnified one as she had found an area of concern. I had my ultrasound and the dr confirmed that the lumps were cysts but she could see an area of blood on the ultrasound where the radiologist had seen the area of concern. I had biopsies and a metal marker placed and then another mammogram.

When I got home, in shock, pain and real discomfort, the radiologist called to say that they had not been able to get what they needed with the ultrasound biopsy and I needed a mammogram guided biopsy as they needed to test the calcifications that they had found.

Will the mammogram guided biopsy hurt more than the ultrasound biopsy? I had a local and I still felt a lot of pain afterwards. I was in considerable pain for a week even though I was taking paracetamol. I’m quite bruised still, I couldn’t wear a bra for days afterwards and now I’m wearing a sports bra. I feel like a wimp saying that when people on here have been through so much worse.

I’m also nervous about what they have found. Are there any questions that I should ask when I go for my mammogram biopsy?

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I had a mammogram guided biopsy as the radiographer didn’t feel she could be accurate enough using ultrasound.

The way the samples are taken involves a device that releases local anaesthetic as it removes the sample. I had a tiny bit of discomfort right at the end as the last sample was taken. I don’t remember any problems with pain afterwards.

The hardest part for me was getting comfortable before they started. Holding the position they required caused my shoulder to become painful. When I asked about changing my arm position they were happy to accommodate this

Hello candy5

Thanks for your post. You’re certainly not being a wimp to worry about how painful the mammogram biopsy will be. It’s also understandable that you’re nervous about what they have found.

Most people find waiting for results the most difficult time. The staff in the breast clinic will explain the procedure and the results so far but you may wish to consider having someone with you when you go. You would then have support, should you need it and they may also think of questions that hadn’t occurred to you and remember things you may forget.

You don’t say if you have an appointment date for the next biopsy. You could call the clinic to ask to speak to a breast care nurse to tell them about your previous experience. They should be able to give you more local anaesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable for you.

Markers are often inserted when the area of calcification is very small. This may also be the reason they were unable to get an adequate sample in your previous biopsy.

You could take some pain relief before you go to the clinic, which may also help. Do contact your GP to let them know how you’re feeling, as they may be able to give you additional support.

You’re welcome to call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to additional support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks.

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Breast Care Nurse

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