Calcium Tablets

Is it safe to take calcium supp. when taking Tamoxifen?

Firstly, has a calcium deficiency been diagnosed? If blood tests or a bone density scan indicate you have a deficiency then you will be prescribed a supplement and will be monitored. If you haven’t a deficiency, I don’t think you should take it. I would feel the same way regardless of you being on Tamoxifen or not.

If you feel a bit rundown, few doctors would object to you occasionally taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement with nothing over 100% of RDA. If you take isolated supplements in large doses you can set up imbalances.

If you are worried about oestrogen deprivation while on Tamoxifen and the effect upon your bones, you should discuss this with your oncologist.

It does say something about Calcium in the Tamoxifen instructions, something like if you have to much Calcium in your body you may get some warning signs and have to see your GP, so I would read your leaflet first and maybe have a word with your GP.

Linda x

I just want to say that you will not necessarily get prescribed supplements if you have a bone density scan and are found to be deficient. I have osteopaenia because the bones in my spine are thin as a result of chemopause, but have to buy my own calcium and vitamin D, although these are not expensive.

My take is completely different from that of Holeybones. I think that it is very good that you are thinking about these things. For one thing, many breast cancer patients give up dairy in the belief that it will help fight their cancer but then they don’t use other sources of calcium, opening themselves up to bone loss. There are drugs that can help rebuild bone, but these will only be prescribed once your bones are dangerously thin.

Breast Cancer Care has quite a good publication on this website in which it stresses general bone health tips and the desirability of patients making sure they get enough calcium. It is well worth a read. Their helpline might be able to help.

Hi BabyBoo

Here’s the link to the publication ‘Bone health and breast cancer’ kindly mentioned by Christine:

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care

i have been taking ADCAl since mid september, not sure if i should or shouldn’t but my sister gave me 12 months worth, and they do taste rather nice, which makes a nice change!!!


Thank you all very much. Big smiles.


I had a DEXA bone density scan after 9 months of Tamoxifen and was told it was normal. One year later I had another and was told I had osteoporosis in my spine!!! During this time I was having minimal dairy as my BC is 8/8 ER positive. Also a friend told me to take Calcium with Vit D. When I confronted the Onc about the osteo, she said 'it would be their protocol from now on to tell people to take Calcium when ostoepenic. The treatments for low bone density have nasty side effects. I have decided to strenghen my bones with walking, calcium and diet. Aromatase inhibitors cause more bone loss than Tamoxifen so I have switched back to Tax. Good book to read The Myth of Osteoporosis by Gillian Sanson. good luck!
