Call me thick but..........

Hi all, I am new to the board and was wondering what the star means in some of the circles next to the latest posts page?? Does that make sense??? lol

Healing hugs Tigs xxx

P.S. And why are some circles red and some blue??? lol

Hi Tigerlilly
It took me a while to figure it out, but I think I’ve cracked it now…the stars show that you have posted on that thread…
the red circles show that there are new posts on the thread since you last logged on…and the blue circles show there are no new posts.
Does that make sense?

Sue xx

Oh yeah!!! That makes sense! Thanks for your speedy reply! But why are some of the lines in the little circles moving??

Tigs xx

Not sure - but perhaps someone else is currently viewing the moving ones as there are fewer of them…?

Theresa x

the moving ones are popular threads with lots of posts think maybe 20 or more replies.

Thanks was bugging me cos I am soooooo nosey lol!