Hi all
This is my first post and I have to say I was very grateful to find this forum. I am 43 and have had breast tenderness, where it joins my sternum, in my right breast for some months. I have seen a consultant who did a thorough exam of both breasts and said that he thought I had an inflammation of the rib cartilage but would like a mammogram.
I had the mammogram on 5th May and a week later I got a letter asking me to go from and ultrasound on 16th June. This worried me so I phoned the consultant’s secretary and was reassured that this was normal. A couple of hours later the consultant phoned me and said that there was something on the mammogram that needed to be checked but didn’t offer much more.
Anyway today I have finally had the mammogram results in writing and they say the following “your recent mammogram showed very nodular and dense breasts and on the right there is an indeterminate ill defined density in the lower outer quadrant…”
On top of all this I have developed an intermittent dull ache from my sternum into my right breast and armpit. I am now very worried that there is something wrong and that combined with being unwell from a throat infection and cold for nearly 8 weeks has left me feeling very low.
Can anyone tell me whether the findigs are something I should be worried about. My friends say if it was serious they wouldn’t have let me wait 4 weeks for an ultrasound but I can’t help but worry.
Sorry it’s so long winded.
Hello Darkalley
Welcome to the forums. You’ve come to the right place for support as many of the users on the site have a wealth of information and experience between them.
While you are waiting for replies may I suggest that you give our free helpline a ring on 0808 800 6000 and have a confidential chat with one of the breast care nurses who are here to support you, lines are open to Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.
best wishes
June, moderator
Hi June
Thank you for replying so quickly and giving me the helpline number. I have spoken to someone there and feel a lot more reassured about things than I did earlier. I think the thing with me is that when I saw my consultant he said that based on his physical examination of me he was willing to discharge me from clinic but wanted a mammogram as a precaution. Because of that I pretty much convinced myself that there was nothing wrong so getting the ultrasound callback really knocked me for six and then seeing it in writing this morning has really shaken me.
The wait between my mammogram and my ultrasound next week has been really hard to deal. I know in the light of some other people’s stories on here I should be grateful it’s only that but I’m finding the not knowing so difficult to deal with.
Thanks again.
Hi Darkalley
Sorry you are so worried, but I can understand that. Its very difficult for us to say “dont worry” as none of us know whats going on with you. However, you are going for tests and thats the most important thing. They may take a biopsy, as dense breast tissue can make things difficult top see, but I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait and see how it goes. Having tests and waiting for results is by far the hardest thing. Please keep us posted.
Julia xx
This is the problem with tests and the waiting. I wouldn’t read too much into what either the consultant has said or the report itself. It obviously isn’t definitely cancer or the consultant would be more up front and say if he was sure. He clearly needs more information to make a proper diagnosis which at the moment could be anything, including cancer and at the moment is being very cagey so as not to misinform you. Four weeks does seem a very long time to wait if they they felt it was likely to be malignant and I agree with your friend, I think they would have you in faster. You could always ring the ultrasound department and offer to take any cancellation going just to get seen sooner and go back to your referring GP and ask them to make enquiries on your behalf.
Hi Darkalley
So sorry that you are feeling worried, it is perfectly natural and as Julia says, no matter what anybody says to you, you will be feeling anxious but your doing the right thing getting it checked out. I can’t personally offer any knowledge on the terminology but what I would say is if there is a breast care nurse at your hospital, then please contact them. Mine were a godsend and answered so many questions which helped to ease the process and waiting of biopsies etc.
Love Krissy xx
Hi Darkalley , Totally understand why the waiting is getting too you . Like the others I would say take some comfort in the fact that if they thought it was more than likely to be cancer they would have got you the ultrasound before now . Take heart from that , and everyone here will be keeping our fingers crossed for you .
Good luck ,
Unfortunately, the waiting is the worst of all, ultrasound follow up after mammo is very normal for our age group. Usually, if cancer is suspected there is what they call the triple testing, mammo, us and FNA all in a day or very close together. As suggested your GP may be able to chase the case up for you! I hope all turns out well for you! XTina
Thank you all so much for your replies.
I will contact the hospital to see whether I can get a cancellation and also whether it will be possible to get the US results whilst I’m there as I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to wait a few more weeks after that. In the meantime I’m trying to occupy myself as best I can but it’s always there, lurking at the back of my mind.
However I am very grateful that I’ve been able to just talk to people who understand and who have been in the same position and I will definately update on how I get on.
Alison x
Im also a bit concerned, Im 33yrs old and for the past 2 or 3mths I’ve been getting a heavy weight pain across my breast bone and down my sternum (between my breasts). When I bend down or breathe in fully it also hurts but (although its not always bad). I had though that maybe I strained myself unknowningly so I decided to feel about to see where exactly the pain was coming from, thats when I discovered a peasized lump to the inner side of my right breast, not exactly on the breast more on the cleavage area. I went to see a doctor on Monday 7 Jun but I couldn’t really feel it properly and she thought that I had a bit of swelling on the ribcage but to come back after my period in 2wks time and re-check it. She gave me gel for the pain in my breast bone and when I used this I could feel the lump 100% better and my husband also agrees there is def something there. Im worried sick because I have 4 children under 6yrs and I don’t even want to think about something being wrong. I wasn’t sure if lumps usually have pain associated with them so hearing your story has made me wonder what it could be!!! I didnt want to waste anybody’s time in case I’am just being silly but I hope in my heart I am wasting someone’s time and it is nothing…
Busymom, you MUST go back to your GP now you have found a definite lump to show them. Its likely that its just an enlarged lymph node or something other than cancer, but you have got to know for sure. Get it checked today!
Busymom, so sorry to hear you’ve found something to cause you worry. Cathy59 is absolutely right, go to your GP now even if only to saitsfy yourself that nothing is wrong. You’re not wasting time, you’re looking out for yourself and your family and no one should think ill of you for doing that.
Alison x
Hi all
I had my ultra sound today. The consultant radiologist did it and said from what he could see there was nothing to be worried about and that he’d get a report over to my breast consultant.
I cannot begin to describe the relief. My husband came with me and when we were travelling back in the car I was talking to him normally one minute and all of a sudden in tears the next. I had my mammogram on 5th May and got my call back on 11th May and the wait from then to now has been unbearable. I feel completely and utterly exhausted emotionally but that thankfully will pass. I also feel extremely fortunate and very humble particularly when I think of my experience compared to that of some other people on here.
I am so grateful to everyone for the help and support I have received from this site and want to send my love and best wishes to you all.
Alison x
Alison that is good news for you really pleased for you, hope you can relax now and hope you dont have to join us at another time. Take care Joyce.xx