Calling any Scottish BCN members having Pegfilgrastim or Filgrastim

Hi there
I’m interested in which NHS regions in Scotland offer the single wcc booster injection Pegfilgrastim.

Also wondering, for those who have been on this forum longer, is there a general sense of there being fewer side effects from the single Peg injection compared to the daily Filgrastim one? (apart from the fear of doing the injection itself.)
I realise that everyone is different but anecdotally there seems to be an overriding majority that the daily filgrastim pain side effects are pretty awful.

I presume the choice of both drugs differs from trust to trust in the rest of the UK too??

Thank you in advance.

Hi Katie,

I am up in Aberdeenshire and I take the filgrastim daily injections. I never knew there was the pegfilgrastim until reading about them in this forum.

I haven’t had any side effects at all, maybe headache worse than normal at the most. I was worried about bone aches but not experienced that and I have had them after 2 ECs so far.

I have to get my husband to inject me as I think if i do it myself its a step to far :face_with_peeking_eye::nauseated_face:

Hope this helps!

Denise x

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I’m being treated at The Beatson in Glasgow, and have been suffering with the 7x Filagrastim. They said they could offer me the single shot, but to try one more time with ibuprofen and then we’ll see. Ibuprofen really helped last time but I only started it at the end. Starting shots today :grimacing:.

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Morning girls
Thank you for your replies. I’m encouraged that your experiences so far haven’t been horrendous with multiple injections!
On reading people’s general experiences they come across as an added very unwelcome side effect resulting in calls to the emergency helpline. Naturally, one would want to avoid these if there was a nicer alternative.
Whilst I absolutely understand the necessity to have either, it just doesn’t sit well that the Peg availability appears to be down to money.
I read a piece of research recently (in certain circumstances I do believe the great Google is helpful and helps self advocacy but can also scare you to death :scream:) the results of which demonstrated that the single injection was more effective and of course much less invasive. The Scottish Medicines Consortium some years ago agreed it was beneficial to patients and to staff regarding convenience.
I’m am also being treated in Aberdeen
@d84 and have a couple of additional health issues for which may benefit from a single injection but his NHS board doesn’t offer it so tough cookie! :confounded:
Has anyone considered buying it privately?

Im greater Glasgow & Clyde. Was given daily injections but struggled (needle phobia) so was given the single injection.
Not sure about getting it on a private prescription, maybe talk to your BCN about options.
Good luck

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Hi there, did you notice any difference or were you not on the daily for long?

I did the daily for one week. I was extremely lucky & didnt notice many side affects on either

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That’s great to hear @Luskentyre1 , it is very easy to listen to all the negatives and of course write with concerns.
All the very best with the rest of your treatment and many thanks for taking the time to reply.
Katie :sunflower:

Hope this cycles Fils goes much better for you. :crossed_fingers:t3: Let us know how you get on. :smiling_face:

Hi Katie,
Its so difficult to ignore all of the horror stories online but i truely believe going in with a positive mindset helps. Try as much as possible to go with the flow.
Wishing you lots of luck x

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