Can a specialist tell if it’s cancer or benign by touching?


I’m 26 and for the past few months my left breast has been constantly swollen followed by occasional burning pain. 2 weeks ago I went to the doctors to get it checked out and she found a lump! The lump is hard, doesn’t move and isn’t painful it’s about 5cm above the nipple.

I had my appointment with a specialist today and he said it’s a possibility that it is benign and has booked me in for a scan! Can they tell by touching it if it is benign or cancerous? Also has anyone been told it’s probably benign and then ultra sound showed cancerous? 

He didn’t really ask me questions or anything I just kind of felt fobbed off as I’m young! 

would just like to know if anyone has been in my position or had my symptoms! I’m really looking for honesty whether it’s good or bad! 
I just need to actually speak to someone who’s been through it instead of talking to Google!??‍ :female_sign:

thank you for ready this 


I don’t think any doctor can be really sure what’s going on without the help of ultrasound scan / mammogram and possibly a biopsy , until they have all that information they can only make an educated guess .

The vast majority of changes and lumps are not cancer if you read the threads in this section of the forum  you will see most people report benign explanations after they have had further tests  .  
Try and stay away from Google it will just drive you crazy , your circumstances are very individual and no internet search can diagnose you .

We are here to chat and support you . Best wishes Jill x

Hiyer, in all honesty - you will find stories on here the same as yours that show good outcomes, and stories on here that show outcomes where it was cancer that needed treatment (though very few at your young age). I’m afraid that hearing either of these annecdotal possibilites won’t really help your anxiety - as they aren’t really answers just possibilities and your mind will still be on a rollercoaster of thinking its ok, then not, then ok, then not .

As Jill said, no consultant would make a judgement without imaging and then if further investigation is needed with biopsy. Can they feel if something is probably benign or possibly suspicious ? Thats a hard question to answer because that is information they probably wouldn’t share until they are certain - Maybe sometimes yes if its really obvious, often no, see that I use the word ‘possibly suspicious’ rather than cancer. Even for those of us diagnosed its only that final biopsy that gives the absolute certainty.

I know what you are feeling - its the lack of an answer and the desperate desire to have one, its a horrible feeling. Looking for anything that can give you some reassurance/comfort/hope and settle your restless mind. 

Why do you think he fobbed you off as you were young ? He has booked imaging -so is that he was leaning towards it definitely being benign and you think thats not likely and you are worried hes not taking it seriously ?

It’s reassuring that you are having a scan. I was told at age 36 that my breast pain was “totally normal and hormonal” by a consultant who had a very quick feel - I had to insist on a scan. The ultrasound did show cancer, but please remember that most lumps are benign.