I had a lumpectory in December for grade 1 cancer. Afterwards I (and my husband) understood from the consultant that he had a good margin around it and all was well except they found DCIS in a different area and needed to be removed at some stage. I also had chemotherapy for a micro cell in one of my lymph nodes (just finished it). Then I was referred to radiotherapy but when I got there they said the doc who referred me made a mistake and I need to have my op before radiotherapy. Then I saw surgeon yesterday and he is now telling me he didn’t get a good margin around it and that lab tests need to be done after and that if there is cancer cells they will have to think again with masectomy, he said this may not happen but he has to warn me. I am confused now and thinking about it I would of thought that if that was the case I would have had to operation before the chemotherapy. Can anyone explain this to me please, I tried to ask the nurse at my pre assessment today for the op on Friday and she said it’s more or less the same thing BUT the surgeon initially said he had a clear margin (or that was my understanding).