can anybody help me?

I’m new to this so please be patient with me.
I don’t have a lump; there is no history of BC in my family; GP doesn’t seem to be taking me seriously!
Over the last yr my right breast has become enlarged, especially since Xmas (is now 2cup sizes bigger than left breast) and itches constantly down one side. It feels hard and tender, as if it is bruised, when touched. I did sleep on my front but, now it feels as if I’m trying to sleep on large pebbles! I don’t seem to sweat in my right armpit either.
I was refered to breast clinic but, as no lump was detected I was told go home; maybe it’s my age; I’m 49.
Am I worrying about nothing or should I pester my GP again?

Hi there nojesnosail and welcome to the BCC forums

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Take care

Go back to the docs asap.

The GPs don’t have specialist knowledge.

Without trying to alarm you i went to docs who found nothing but returned 2 weeks later and was referred to the breast clinic by a different doc. in hindsight my boob had been growing, but changed over night after a fall.

Unfortunately i have lobular cancer which looks and feels like breast tissue, meaning you can have it for a while before it’s apparent. When you go back mention lobular (he /she probably won’t know what you’re talking about) and ask to be referred. Once at the breast clinic ask for an ultr-sound as it can be missed on a mammogram due to its nature.

I’d hate to make you panic but all of the info about checking breasts is to look for lumps, but in lobular this isn’t the case.

Remember that 9/10 referrals are nothing so the odds are in your favour but you need to make sure.

best of luck


Agree with the above, get a second opinion - asap. Go stamp your feet you shouldn’t be left worrying, they can use ultrasound and mri too… did you have digital Mamogram or just the bog standard one?

Try not to think the worst, there are benign breast conditions that this could be and most likely is. (Think there is a link on the forums list near the top on such things). I think it is unreasonable of them to send you off without finding out what is going on.

IF I had been more awake and got to my GP earlier about my expanding right boob, my cancer would have been caught earlier (large boob, deep tumour so couldn’t feel it).

Please Don’t Panic, just get assertive - something is causing this, you just need to get an answer to put your mind at rest.

All the best P xx

Thank you Staycalmandcarryon and Peachez, your comments are reassuring.
I have printed off some info about different forms of BC which I now intend to take with me when I get to see my GP again next week.
Maybe I am worrying needlessly but, I just feel the need for reassurance from the people who should know; ie, specialists.
My (brief) visit to Breast Clinic involved a quick exam by young doctor, followed by “no lump, so go home. It’s probably your age, take this and read it”. I was handed a leaflet about breast pain and told maybe evening primrose oil might help!
My daughter lost a good friend last year through BC; no lump, but apparently it was Inflammatory breast cancer; she was up against a wall when it came to getting dianosis, took her more than a year, and when it did arrive was too late!
I will be going back. Thankyou, nojesnosail x

keep us posted x

I agree with P and scaco…camp in docs surgery if you have to but do not let this rest until its sorted! Good luck and big hugs!

That visit to the breast clinic is just appalling… make sure your GP is aware of how shabbily you were treated there, and push for him/her to refer you to a decent consultant, so you don’t get fobbed off this way again. I def. agree that you need a good ultrasound, as well as a mammogram as ‘something’ is obviously wrong, causing you discomfort and causing your breast to change appearance. It may very well not be cancer, and I hope very much it isn’t… but something needs sorting out for you!!

Go back, stamp your feet and demand to be seen again - this is not the time to worry about wasting other people’s time - there is nothing more important right now than your health and well being, so make that fuss.

Do let us know, I’ll be thinking of u

Sophie xx

Nojesnosail, Just to back up what the others have said. There are many types of bc which don’t show up as a lump. Any breast changes such as you describe merit a mammogram or probably ultrasound. I would explain to a GP that you aren’t happy and want to have it checked further in case of IBC or lobular. I don’t know whether or not it is an option for you but it is fairly straightforward to refer yourself privately to have it checked too. I did this once and it cost about £400 for a consultation and full set of checks but I did it because it saved me a few weeks. The idea of someone taking a year to be diagnosed like your daughter’s friend doesn’t bear thinking about. You are quite entitled to a second opinion via the NHS but if you struggle to get one I wonder if the private route is an option for you? x

Thank you all for your encouraging words. xx
I went back on monday armed with loads of info on BC; various types etc. GP did actually read through! She actually said, as there is nothing obvious to feel or see (other than difference in size) what do I want her to do? She asked if I want breast reduction to even them out?
I said very calmly I would like investigations done and she has now requested Radiography dept to perform an untrasound scan. She did say it may well be refused in which case she will send me back to Clinic as that is the only other way to get scan done!
I sit and wait.

Did you have any sort of imaging done at the breast clinic, or did they just feel for a lump? No-one was able to feel my lump, even though it was 2.5cms and quite close to the surface - sometimes they just can’t. I also had itching, although that doesn’t necessarily mean bad news, but you must get this thoroughly investigated.

finty xx

Finty I am new to this site too. My BC was picked up on routine screening because I reached 50. So glad I did, so there are some benefits to getting older! I had no lump and my surgeon/consultant could not feel anything either. Mammogram picked mine up. I have learnt over the last few months to ask as many questions as possible. I understand that routine screening is now going to be 47 from 2012 which is good news. Be assertive and keep smiling x Adi

Adi, it’s great when the system works - so glad it caught yours. And I totally agree about being assertive and asking questions, it’s worked well for me.

finty xx


well done you for insisting on getting an ultra-sound.

I don’t know if i mentioned in my previous post but a GP i saw felt, poked, prodded and declared that nothing was there. 2 weeks later it so obviously was!!

fingers crossed your GP is right but you are doing exactly the right thing. The waiting for the appointment is not the best time but hang on in there. x