Can anyone advise me please ?

I am due to have masectomy on 14th july. When I was first diagnosed 3 weeks ago consultant said mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. After MRI in which he says there are changes ?? in good boob which he will look at afterwards he is now not offering immediate reconstruction . Does this mean they are waiting to see if the other boob needs to be removed as well ??

Any one else had this issue please ??

Thanks xx

Hi Janey

I am sure your fellow forum users will be along soon with support and advice, in addition, please feel free to call our helpline for further support, advice and information on 0808 800 6000 which is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi Janey,

It really isn’t helpful when the consultants only give a bit of a comment is it.

I wouldn’t be able to make a judgement either given that ‘advice’. Perhaps you could give the consultant or BCN tomorrow and ask if they can explain things in a little more detail. Even if they were not sure of what they will be doing you could ask what is making them so unsure.

It might have been a delaying comment until they were sure of what the MRI has picked up, that can take a day or two. Hold on to the fact that they have been thorough and need time to plan treatment that best suits your situation.

The waiting will be hard, that is natural in these situation, we will all be rooting for you.

Take care

Hi Janey

You need to find out what he thinks the changes are and why he doesn’t want to do an immediate recon. Your BCN should be able to get that information for you. I had immediate recon and was advised it is much better do have it done straight away. I am having my other breast done early next year as a precaution, as they found DCIS ( pre cancer ) in the biopsy after my mastectomy that hadn’t been spotted on any scans or mammograms. It might be that the recon options might be different if you need a double mastectomy.

Take care



It may not have anything to do with your other boob it could possibly be the fact you might need radiation, and recon isnt suitable before this as it can damage reconstruction so please there are other reason it might be i know this is hard but dont try to worry too much and do as iam doing ( iam going for voluntary mastecomy next year after treatment and recon ) it is giving me something to look forward to at the end of all this.


Hi Janey
It is so sad that you aren’t getting your reconstruction done on Monday. If it any help I am getting my reconst done next year as there is a slight chance I may have to have radiotherapy and it could damage it. My friend at work had a mastectomey couple weeks ago and she was told she would have to wait for recon until next year ( had lobular mine is ductal)
There may to be a simple reason - speak to your bcn I know mine is very helpful.
Good luck monday I will be thinking of you as I am in then too
best wishes Liz

Thanks Liz
It is to do with Radiotherapy causing damage Had a very long talk today with breast nurse and now am a lot clearer about things

Hi Janey

Iam glad it got sorted out. Its for the best means after all your treatment is through like me you can look forward to something good nice new pair of boobs Radiation can damage you skin at the time bit like bad sunbirn and if you had implant it might harden least this way it will be better. Beside think of all the fun you will have flinging your chicken fillets at your partner when he annoys you lol always a bright side to everything in life.

ever the optimist


Hi Joanne
never thought of throwing chicken fillets at Oh worth a thought.

Best wishes


you guys have helped me in a decsion just by reading how positive you are and that we all have very similar worries thanks