Can anyone answer my questions please?!

My Mum has been diagnosed with breast cancer (again)! She had it last year and all she had was radiotherapy! And a year later its back, she now has to have a dobule masectomy!

I want to say the right things! She is scared she is going to look like a man?! and will bge a freek!

I tell her of course she wont! But I dont think is really listening to me!

I have serveral questions?!

Once she has had her breasts removed will she ever have breast cancer again?! Ive been reading about nodes in the armpits or something?!

Two… if my mum decided not to have this operation what would it mean?! Chemo?!

Three…If my mum had her breast removed what sort of bras could she wear without being uncomfortable!

Four…Are there any implications to having her breasts done?! Obviously no nipple?!

If anyone could answer any of these I would be really grateful!

Many Thanks

Mary -x-

I’m sure others more qualified than I am to talk about this will be along soon xx

Hi Mary and welcome to the forums

In addition to the help and support you have here, our helpline is open 9-2 tomorrow and 9-5 in the week if you want to give them a call to discuss your concerns on 0808 800 6000.

I am posting a few links to BCC publications and website information which you both may find useful, you can read or order copies here:

Take care

Mary - understandably a lot of questions for you and yr Mum who, may well be in shock, and not able to listen. I’ve had mastectomy and node testing and can’t wear any of my old under-wired bras 'cos they chafe but that’s not the most important issue for me. The BCC are really helpful and, just before surgery, a cousin from Tasmania sent me a book, available in UK from Gazelle Books: Breast Cancer - Taking Control by Professor John Boyages (ISBN 978-0-9806311-1-1) He’s an oncologist in Sydney and I wish I’d had the book when diagnosed.

Don’t know where you live but if there’s a Maggie’s Centre within reach they are wonderful places. Good Luck, Barbara


Hello Mary

I am so sorry that your mum has been diagnosed again - it’s a horrible thing to have to go through, but it sounds as though you are going to be a tower of strength for her. I can’t answer all your questions - do you have a breast care nurse? she might be the best person for you and your mum to ask the medical questions to about what treatment she might be having. Yes there are lymph nodes in the armpit, but your mum may or may not need to have these removed. I had a mastectomy nearly 7 years ago. Your mum is bound to have a lot of questions about it, but in answer to your question about bras, there are lots that your mum will be able to wear without feeling uncomfortable - and she will be given a prosthesis to wear after surgery. Again, the breast care nurse can advise.

Your mum is bound to worry about how she will look - but there are lots of possibilities about this for her and the important thing is that she gets the treatment that she needs. I am sure that you will give her lots of love and support.
I am sure that others on this site will also be able to give you and your mum support - all the very best wishes to you both.

love Mo xx

Thank you for all your comments, much appreciated x

Hello Mary.
I am so sorry for your mum, she must have lots of questions that she is needing answers to. If I can help in any way I will.
I had both my breasts removed in Nov 09, I have found a couple of very comfortable bra’s, one from John Lewis, the other from M&S. I was given a softie prosthesis to begin with, then I got some “chicken fillets”, both are very comfortable to wear. I use to feel slightly strange when I didn’t wear them, but now I often go out without wearing them, all depends what I am wearing.
I do wish your mum all the very best…x

Hi Miss House -

just noted your comment re no nipple for reconstructive surgery… They can create a nipple using clever surgery techniques and tatooing, and believe me you would be hardpressed to know the difference!


Hope things are going well