Dont know whether anyone can help me but I am so devastated, I have just been to see the Oncologyst and he has stopped my Chemo, I have only had two cycles but it made me feel really poorly and he has said that the side effects are out weighing the benefits. I am so scared that my treatment is now being compromised and it is going to come back now this treatment is being stopped.
Has thiws happened to anyone else, can anyone help.
So sorry to hear that. Maybe your Onc has something else planned for you. I know a friend of mine who had 3 x FEC and then was really allergic to the Tax so he stopped that and switched her to another type of chemo. There seems to be so many different ones that they must be able to try another type on you.
It seems a bit unfair that he hasn’t explained things in any greater detail to you. Might be worth speaking to a Macmillan nurse or your Breast Cancer Nurse if you have one to see if they can help you find out more information.
Sorry to hear your news but I’m sure they will try other chemos just hang in there to see wat onc say I know it’s easy for me to say that but they will try others there are loads out there
I am sure they would not stop chemo if they thought it would compromise your treatment, no matter how poorly you were. As Wolsty says, there are a lot of different chemos out there and just 'cose you had to stop one it does not mean there aren’t others to try!
Your Onc must have a plan for you. Chemo is tailored to each individual and the expected benefits can vary enormously. A lot would depend upon what bc you have, stage, grade, receptors, your age etc.
I would get back to your Onc and find out what the plan is, or maybe call your Bcn.
Hi Deb
When I was last having my last chemo there was a lady there having chemo who said that she had to have a break due to a bad reaction and her hair had grown back quite a bit so I think she had a reasonable break.
She was on a different chemo this time round as she said she was not due to lose her hair. As others have said, speak to your onc, the break may only be temporary whilst they work out what to try next.
Good luck x
Thank you for responding to my thread. I am really concerned as the onc has said there will be no more chemo of any sort and am going straight onto rads them tamoxifen, I am scared that they are compromising my treatment how can you need chemo one minute and not the next I do not understand.
I had to stop after four cycles because the side effects I had after 3 and 4 were life threatening. It was explained to me that I had most of the benefit in the first 4 cycles and you will have had a lot of benefit from two. However, I asked for and received a lot of information before I agreed to stop, so I am surprised that you haven’t had a more comprehensive explanation. Why don’t you ring the BCC helpline for their advice and also talk again with your oncologist and ask him or her the questions you have asked on here? You are entitled to be involved in your treatment plan and to know why stopping chemo is advised and what the risks are, both of stopping and of carrying on.
I’m still here and doing well even though I didn’t finish chemo, five years after diagnosis with a very aggressive cancer, if that gives you any reassurance.
Hi, I really dont think your Onc would have stopped your chemo unless it was absolutely necessary.
I remember feeling so ill, at times I had to crawl on my hands and knees to the bathroom, I stuck the 5 cycles but at a reduced dose than I was originally prescribed.
If it comes to it I think for some people as you say, the risks of the chemo outweigh anything else.
I found it very hard going, no-one knows unless they have been there though do they?
For me the rads were easier, I wasnt prescribed, tamoxifen or herceptin so carnt really comment.
Just concentrate on the next stage of your treatment, but clarify things with your Onc/Consultant about the chemo if only for your own peace of mind.
I hope all goes well from here on in, it soon passes and it wont be long before you are jogging round the block.
Hi all i would also like to add i fin chemo early and like others have sd you get the most benefit out of the first few my onc and bcn have sd yrs ago you only had 4 now they have decided on 6 but no reason why 4 don’t work as well as 6 I know it’s not easy but from someone who had bad se on chemo I’d say enjoy not being on it the onc know there job rads are a dodle compared to chemo spk to onc again but I’m sure he wldnt risk anything tc Laura