Can I join the triple neg club?

I’ve just got my HER2- today. (a bit surprising really)

mousy, who only got let out at 7:15pm and was starting to think she’d be there for the night…

Hi Mousy

I found out I was triple neg today - and I have had a very long wait for the HER2 result. Had my op at the end of Feb this year in Salisbury but my chemo in Basingstoke. I found out I was double neg on the hormones at my first Onc appointment but the HER2 results got lost between Salisbury and Basingstoke.

At least it means no more drugs when I finish chemo - only one more to go now after having my fifth today! Then rads, but should finish treatment by end of September latest.

Then nothing - just left to get on with it - wonder how that will feel.


HI Mousy

There are a few of us in the Triple Neg club, of course you can join :wink:


Yes welcome to the unoffical triple negative club.

I have been trying to get our hosts BCC to produce a leaflet on triple begative breats cancer for about three years now. They are currently having yet another meeting about it (I think).

If you think a simple triple negative leaflet should be among BCC’s publications then e-mail Anna Wood of the Campaigns Team.


Can’t edit last post which should of course read triple negative and not triple begative. A Freudian slip maybe because I sometimes feel like I’m begging for a leaflet when it should be there by rights along with the other good leaflets.


Hi I’m another triple neg it took from October to March for my HER2 result to come through.Onc said’it doesnt matter because you couldnt have herceptin till after chemo anyway’.No mention of how I might have wanted to know anyway’I also got er/pr status 1week after op.