Can I share a photo ...?

I thought this might give a few of you a laugh, and some of the others who’re yet to have chemo it’ll give you hope that there is life after the hair goes!

edited by moderator

Hope it makes you smile!


Oops, edited the link

Hi Rebecca - There certainly is life after hair goes, and lots of it! I opted for a “hair today, gone tomorrow” party - about six weeks ago now. Had a few very close friends over once my hair was falling out, we had a few glasses of wine, then my hubby did the brave deed with the clippers and my 18 year old daughter was chief photographer. We had fun and in truth it was not traumatic! Something about taking control I guess. Now have a couple of different wigs, and turbans, nothing or woolly hat in the house. Good luck to you and thanks for the smile. Sarah x (ps - was not quite sure - is it your site?)

More than just hair disappearing around here…

I understand that the ‘photo’ had to be edited, but those who did’t get to see it lets guess

Was it of a bald head?
Was the head human?
Was it just a little rude? - no details please!!


I spliced two pictures together, one before & one after I’d been cropped

I’ll see if I can PM you a limk cb102

Yep I picked it up, clever technique.

I wish I had had my hair cropped before it dropped

Still its on its way back now very slowly.
