Hi all… just need to rant after a dreadful experience at Derriford Hospital yesterday morning…we had to leave at 8 am and got home at 5 pm via ferry.
A lot has happened since I posted on July 11th…been on an elemental diet since then, 3 small bottles of Frutijuice, 900 calories total per day, but now down to 7st 3 lbs. My gastro rang me a week ago on a Saturday afternoon (had rung in the morning but I was doing the changeover at our holiday flat, which my otherwise caring and helpful husband, refuses to do)…rang back, and he was on the phone for over an hour, and I am not a private patient, so very grateful for his concern.
Being a secretary, I took shorthand notes (is that a dying skill these days?) and hardly understood what he was saying about “serious decisions I have to make”. He said he would fax my GP that day and I should go and see him (who is thankfully on holiday in Egypt for 3 weeks) and get a prescription for a steroid (budesonide) that he said will not give me psychosis as prednisolone did when I was dx with bc. He copied me and I was horrified by his two page letter…
He believes the cytotoxic drug, methotrexate, I have taken orally for 5 years, and in the last two years by self injections, I have become resistant to, and although anti-TNFa biologic therapies (Cimzia,Humira, Tysabril, Remicade etc.) would be the normal progression, he said because of my previous breast cancer and the stricturing in my small intestines, he is reluctant to consider these as first line therapy. I haven’t a clue what other “therapy” he has in mind, but he has talked to me in the past about thalidomide, as he used this drug when working in a leper colony in Africa and is only one of 4 physicians in England licensed by the German manfr to use it off licence for Crohn’s. Side effects are horrendous, but I guess, not morbidly more so than methotrexate long term. Lymphoma is the big problem and my last blood tests 2 weeks ago are disconcerting…white cells and neutrophils are too high, as are mean corpuscular and mean haemoglobin levels in my red cells from the bone marrow. In the short term, he has doubled my methotrexate injections, and prescribed budesonide, until he gets results from histology of the biopsies in my oesophagus. I expected those results yesterday…
Other problem is the bisphosphonate, Alendronic Acid I have taken for 18 months for bone density loss, due to steroids and Arimidex. I have stopped both of them. He said he thinks it is impossible to know whether the oesophagitis was caused by alendronate.
Saw a new female GP last week, at her insistence, when I called in for prescriptions, and she popped up from behind the reception counter like a Jack In The Box or Punch and Judy Show at the seaside, quite gave me a fright, and insisted I see her in 2 days time…well, it was a Friday evening. Told her I didn’t need to see a GP, I have a great gastro, and if needs be, a brilliant bc surgeon who has always looked after me.Pity I don’t have an Oncologist. She is a strange lady, very calm and quiet, and in no uncertain terms told me I should report her Senior Partner to the local PCT, GMC and BMA!! Can you believe that? She has sent a referral to a Professor of Endocrinology that my bc surgeon referred me to last February because of Arimidex side effects - he just said I had to contine with “resorptive meds”. She is also arranging an urgent DEXA scan as it is 3 yrs since I had one, and with 4 yrs on Arimidex, may account for the two fractures I had in my feet last summer.
Okay - that was fine, and I have changed my principal GP to her. I had an appt with my gastro yesterday to sort out future chemo, steroids and surgery on the strictures. Got there, saw a stupid Student Nurse who told me I was seeing “Mr. Dunlop”…duh? I told her I don’t see surgeons, and she, God forgive her, said he is a Consultant. So what? She insisted I see this guy, whom I have never met in 5 yrs of being treated by my gastro, and I gave her a short lecture on nomenclature in the medical hierarchy…surgeons are addressed as Mr…physicians as Dr.
She still insisted I see this gastro, hubby intervened and said can we see my IBD Nurse - she arrogantly said she is not here today …hubby, who normally never says a word but takes it all in, said: “Well, was it her ghost we saw 5 mins ago walking through the clinic?”… She went and got her, and Kathy apologised and said they have a new system and I was booked into the wrong gastro clinic, and my gastro is “on leave”. Probably too stressed out as he did say I have empirical problems and he doesn’t really know what to do. What refreshing ignorance.
Day wasn’t completely shot - a one and a half hour journey each way by car and ferry, as we did some lovely gourmet shopping at Waitrose. A long way from us, and I usually go in for some 4/5 gourmet items ( anchovies marinated in olive oil, garlic and herbs are our particular treat on french bread), and I end up spending some £80 on foods I cannot resist. No pockets in shrouds symdrome, as we are going to leave a fortune to BCC and Crohn’s charities, having no children of our own.
My IBD nurse rang when I got home with an appt to see my gastro next Wednesday, as he is on holiday for 3 weeks in August, and I do need to get sorted out before I can contemplate going to Spain August 17th with 9 close friends for my husband’s 80th birthday.
All I wanted yesterday was the results of the histology on the biopsies on my oesophagus 3 weeks ago …never had problems there before in 38 yrs of Crohn’s …and to be told my bc has not metastasised to the GI tract. I know if bisphosphonates are the cause of the ulcers there, I still have to address the abscesses in my small intestine and the stricturing…that I believe I can deal with, but think mets will be hard, especially as my father died of colon cancer at 59 yrs, and I am under no illusion I am at high risk on 3 factors for cancer of the intestines. Just having been pronounced NED at my 5 yrly review with my bc surgeon in February last, this bc rears its’ ugly head. One of my first Gastros at the Hammersmith Hospital some 30 yrs ago, said he will write me up in the IBD literature.
Gosh, so very tired of all this stuff, just when I felt so incredibly well. Guess life throws some of us some unusual curves at times.
Thank you all, for always being there, not just for me, but all the people who post here. Apologies for any typos, need to go to bed and just forget about all this stuff.