Can still feel lump after 6 rounds of chemo - 2 more to go


Is it a bad sign if I can still feel my lump after 6 rounds of chemo? I was hoping to notice it shrink/disappear. At half way scan it showed it had shrunk by 20% but I am worried it will grow again. I’ve done 4 AC and 2 docetaxol and have 2 more docetaxol to go 

Hi emc1017

Thanks for posting.

It’s understandable you are questioning whether still being able to feel your breast lump after chemo is a bad sign.

It can be really difficult to know exactly what’s going on by feeling the area. The scan is the most helpful tool to check the response and you explain there has been a 20% reduction halfway through chemo. It’s likely your treatment team will suggest another scan once you have completed the course of chemotherapy. Do talk to your treatment team about your worries the cancer is growing.

It might be tempting to regularly feel the area which is understandable, but this may cause soreness or bruising.

Connecting with other women who have had or having chemotherapy might be supportive. You can do this through this section of the forum and the monthly chemotherapy threads. Details of all our services are here.

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Breast Care Nurse

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