Can This Happen?

Can This Happen?

Can This Happen? I have copied this post for user ‘Puppydog’ from the Benign forum room as she did not receive any response. Can you help?

BCC Host

Can this happen?posted on 15.03.07 3:06 pm


Just wanted to see if anyone else has heard of has similar experiences on this.

I have had several lumpectomies, and finally with loads of more lumps coming, I got a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy in 2001.
However in December 2006 I found another lump where my nipple would have been, it was the size of a grape, and got a lumpectomy within a few weeks, they tested it and it was another fibroidenoma.

They said that this was unusual and rare, as there was no breast tissue there, but they said to keep an eye out for any more lumps etc, I wear two prosthesis so I do notice if they dont sit right.

Anyway, my older sister to me, who is 43, has just found her 4th lump, she has had the needle tests etc, and they are fibroidenomas and she has left them and not had surgery.
However my other older sister is 45, and she just called me the other day to say that she has found a lump in her breast, she is due to see the specialist next few days.
My mum had a benign lump around 30 years ago and left it, it has not bothered her since, and she hasnt found it again.

Has anyone heard of familial benign lumps in their immediate family?

BCC nurse hasnt heard of it before,.

it would be good to know that there isnt anything to worry about with my sisters, and to reassure them.
carol xx

I got a call from the BCC helpline nurse, and she also said that she hadnt heard of this, so she was going to find out from her colleagues…

still searching for this answer.

thanks though for your response.

HI there,
Not sure this is really relevant to you as Im not sure exactly what lumps family members have had but certainly within my very small family, there seems to be a lot of benign breast problems going on. Firstly, Ive had a fibroadenoma removed 8 years ago and since then had a lot of cysts. A few weeks ago I was back at the breast clinic with what everyone thought was another Fibroadenoma but was found to have cancer although I may also have a fibroadenoma as well. Anyway, I digress, my cousin, the daughter of my mother’s sister has also had fibroadenomas but has not had hers removed. My mother is very vague but talks about having lumps and something drained in her breast when she was young. She also tells me that her mother had lots of breast lump problems although she has been dead for over 30 years now so we cant really find out what. My sister has had different problems stemming from inverted nipples which have caused her no end of grief.
So, all the women in my direct family have had problems of some kind or another but whether this is just down to back luck or something else I dont know!