Can You help me

Hi, i hope someone can help me I was diagnosed with secondaries to Bones, Pertioneal, small spots on lungs and possible ovary involvement a couple of weeks ago. I have no symptoms or pain at all. Would you believe after failed reconstruction a few years ago I was finally due to have a tram flap (18 months on waiting list!!) but the pre-op blood tests were not good so scans galore and here I am. only whole head MRI to go!!


I strangely feel quite calm but then I have always read this forum and am a glss half full girl so I know that there are many many treatments available to me and my onc and I discussed the chronic illness rather than terminal. I originally had a lobular cancer ER+ and a large 7.5cms tumour with lymph node involvement in March 2010. I started Zoladex and letrozole straight away, I will start denosumab in a couple of weeks (just had tooth out in preparation). Oh and I am also one of the unfortunates who had taxotere and was made permenantly bald!!! how unlucky am I.


Now my question makes me a littel uncomfortable but I need to ask, I am 45 with 2 children 13 & 15 and a lovely husband, I am the main breadwinner and do not plan to give up work, however I would like us to enjoy life as much as is possible, I read that I might be entitled to PIP/DLA whilst we can manage finacially this woud make a huge difference, so please don’t judge me I have never claimed anything in my life but am I entitled to this benefit?


You are all very inspiring and helping many ladies you can’t even know are reading your words


Thank You


N x

Hi inky blue sorry to hear about your secondaries,but I’m sure once your new treatment plan is in place you will feel a bit better,you will get lots of support on this forum I find this has been my lifeline talking to others in same situation.I was diagnosed with secondaries to bones and some chest lymph nodes in May and am on denosumab injections then in august I had secondaries to my liver so am on Capecitibine Chemo as well.I don’t work at the moment but as regards to PIp you are entitled to it whether you work or not.My onc filled in aDS1500 for me and my Pip was sorted out in three weeks.Hope this has been of some help to you .
Kaye xx

Hi,inky,so sorry to hear about your diagnosis . Please never feel embarrassed to ask any questions on here. I’d see a macmillians advisor about PIP,who can fill the forms in too as they know what the assessor is looking for in your answers. Some ladies oncs will sign the form some won’t. It seems to be a lottery as who gets it. I fought for a year and had to get my MP involved before I got it. But don’t give up ,I think we should get it automatically . Yes,you can claim it while working. I retired through ill health and got full pension at 48.
Huge hugs,Helen xxxxxx

Hi inky blue. I am in a similar position being the main wage earner aged 52. I claimed dla in may when i found out i had secondaries to lung hip pelvis spine rib chest wall etc and got it allowed in early october. It will make a big difference if i have to leave work although right now whilst the pain is mostly under control i am thinking bout going back soon. I am also on letrozole and denosumab injections.
There is so much to think about i know but one thing is certain…claim pip!

Hi Inkyblue, I am sorry to read your post, along with the support you have here please feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000 for a listening ear and further practical and emotional support. Lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

Macmillan have produced benefits advice which may be of some help to you and you can read more here:

We can offer you further support and information including a weekly secondary live chat where you can ‘talk’ in real time to others and share experiences, here’s the link:

Take care
Lucy BCC

I’m sorry you have to join us Inky. I was diagnosed with bone mets in 2003 and ovary involvement in 2008. There are lots of good treatments out there and hopefully new ones in the future. Take care, this is a very supportive place. X