Can you help us with our new information pack?


The Health Information team at Breast Cancer Now are currently creating a new version of our Secondary breast cancer information pack, and are looking for people with secondary breast cancer to help us with it.

As part of the pack, we’d like to include some hints or tips for people living with secondary breast cancer. The tips can be about anything that relate to the experience of being diagnosed or treated for secondary breast cancer, or guidance on living with secondary breast cancer. They are intended to be short snippets, up to about 200 words. We want to be able to pass on useful information that may help living with secondary breast cancer a little easier.

If you have a tip that you would like to share, please post below or email me directly on

If you would also be interested in reviewing parts of the new pack for us, please email

We would love to hear your thoughts, and any insight or feedback you can give us for this project will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Lizz, Editorial Assistant