Cancer again 21 years later

Hi, This is the first time here for me, and I am new to on-line forums.  

In Nov. 1992 I was diagnosed with cancer of the right breast.  I had a lumpectomy, chemo, radio, and tamoxifen for a short while.  It didn’t agree with me, and I came off it.  In Nov. 2013, 21 years later almost to the day, I was diagnosed with cancer of the right breast, again.  This time, invasive lobular cancer, and to expect a mastectomy.  

Lots of tests. For a while the fear was of cancer of the left breast as well.  Mercifully that wasn’t so, the cancer was only on one side. It was a huge relief that the cancer had not spread.  We, hubby and I, were shocked at the diagnosis, but we had been here before, and reckoned that we could handle it again.  

I am retired, married, no children and have a long medical history. I have scoliosis - curvature of the spine -, and osteoporosis. I have had a hysterectomy/ovarectomy to remove a non malignant tumour, and then was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat. There was an op on the left breast to remove a duct, precancer, but no treatment. And then the first cancer of the right breast, with all the above treatment.  I then developed underactive thyroid, a duodenal ulcer, and 6 years ago there was an emergency op for a strangulated bowel, caused by adhesions from previous hysterectomy. Also acid reflux and a hiatus hernia. The pre-op heart tests were exhaustive.

Then the bombshell.  Two days before the op. I was told that my heart had become too weak for surgery, and that I would not survive the surgery, that the op would kill me. I now had severe heart failure as well as cancer.  The news was utterly devastating. I asked if the cancer would kill me anytime soon, and was told that while the cancer would not kill me soon, the heart condition might. I crawled right into my shell, and fell into a very deep dark hole, overwhelmed with fear.

But I am an older woman, and a benefit of that is that I have been in some very dark places before, and I know that with time, such darkness and fear,passes. Or at least it does for me.  And now just past Easter, I have come to an acceptance of the situation. I am blessed with an excellent GP, a first class cardiologist, oncologist and surgeon.  Not to mention, my rock, my long suffering hubby.  

I am on Tamoxifen just now, and various heart drugs.  Chemo is out because of the heart, and the tumour is too close to the lung for radio, and other drugs are out because of other health problems.   The cardiologist hopes to improve the heart enough for surgery, if by then, the tumour has shrunk enough with the Tamoxifen.  But there are no promises.  There is also a very slight improvement in the heart in recent weeks, with my new heart drugs.  I am out and around within the limits of my strength.    

It has been reassuring in recent weeks to read the posts, especially about Tamoxifen effects. Weight gain has been a smashing excuse for new clothes.  Sorry this is so long, and thank you for reading it.

Hello Alexa


Wow, you have really been through the wringer. I am so sorry you find yourself with breast cancer for the second time.


It sounds like you have an excellent team around you and you have a really positive outlook (and everybody is allowed the odd wobble, especially with all you have going on!).


I’ve heard great reports of tamoxifen to shrink tumours and will be keeping everything crossed for you that your operation can go ahead as soon as you are strong enough.


Lu xx

Hi Alexa2623

I am sorry to read that you are having such a worrying time, it’s good that you have such good support around you, in addition, please feel free to call our helpliners as they can offer you further practical and emotional support

Lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

Here’s a link to further support ideas from BCC such as our ‘Live chat’ and ‘Someone like me’ email/telephone support service which you may find helpful at some point:

Take care
Lucy BCC

What an amazing lady you are to have gone through all that and still be positive hope I can be as strong as you.

Hi Alexa,


Wow what a story and what a positive strong lady you are. I spent 15 years of endless tests on my back after I had 2 children. I had endless back pain but no one could find the cause. I was on 3 tablets to deal with pain, often not able to walk.Eventually after being passed from pillar to post, a rheumatology consultant diagnosed Ankylosing Spondylitis and now I am correct meds, it changed my life…pain free !!!

I was diagnosed with invasice ductal cancer follwoing a standard mammogram check, plus 10 affected lymph nodes removed. I have had scans and now just begun chemo.

You are such a positive lady and an inspiration to us all here. xx Ruth xx