cancer and now this

Yesterday was a year to the date I found my “strange” hardening in my right breast. It came and passed without a thought as to it being “the” date, I wasn’t actually diagnosed until June though, first with IDC then IBC and so much is history.

I feel like life has dealt me a rough blow however, having lived with diabetes for 40 years now so as well as coping with cancer I have this added bonus to be thankful for.

I’ve now been diagnosed with Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder) which is more prevalent amongst diabetics apparently than anyone else. I’ve been suffering considerable pain in both shoulders for around 3 years now, and it only eased off slightly last year when I was having chemo, steroids I suppose helped, but after mx/rads the pain came back with a vengenance.

My arms won’t move how I want them to without pain, getting dressed, undressed, getting dry after a shower and even scratching my back is agony. I can just about manage driving but that is getting increasingly more uncomfortable.

No amount of anti inflammatories/painkillers have helped.

Do I feel sorry for myself … you’re right, I do and I am. Diabetes is one thing and all its complications, cancer something else I don’t need to say about because you all know, but THIS!!!

sorry girls, another bad day

Oh peacock

How absolutely rotten for you. You really, really don’t need need anything else and have every right to be feeling sorry for yourself right now.

I have both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics in my immediate family so I’ve seen close up what a crap disease it is.

Now that your problem has been diagnosed, what sort of help will you be getting with it? I bet you’re sick of hopsitals, physios, etc, tho’.

There is another thread running about frozen shoulders at the moment - I will try to bump it for you.

Thinking of you and hoping someone is going to tackle the problem in earnest for you soon.



Have just bumped the thread; it is called: ‘Frozen shoulder Problems before and after radiotherapy’ in ‘undergoing treatment - radiotherapy’

Thanks Bahons, sorry i’ve not been in touch lately - it seems hard work and everything is getting on top of me.
Hope you are making good progress and recovery?

P xx

Hi peacock and Bahons . I know that since my Bc was diagnosed Nov 07
(op and chemo and rads which ended in Aug 08) I have not felt well aches and pains ,the lethargy is awful still. I feel so bl/dy frustrated . Like you peacock wonder if I’m ever gonna feel ok again.
If I do’nt bottom my house soon , I will have the public health inspector round. My tamoxifen does state fatigue so I’m blaming them at present.
Love to you both Bobbiexx

H there both,

I feel pretty good apart from the poxy lymphoedema, tennis elbow and associated shoulder pain (nothing like as bad as yours, tho’ Peacock). Also pretty ticked off this afternoon as have just been measured for some new sleeves and my left upper arm seems to have got slightly bigger.

Considering the amount of time and care (not to mention money) I spend on my arms, I’m pretty disappointed.

On a brighter note, I had my first haircut for 9 months yesterday - 13 euros!

Corsa - the house must wait - you’re more important. Housework can always be done another day (trust me, I’m an expert on ignoring filth indefinitely) - you need to feel better first.

Take care, both. Hope you are both sitting with your feet up, chilling out, right now.



Hi Carole - sorry to hear your latest news…
I posted over on the IBC part of the forum - I was diagnosed with lymphoedema on Monday… Does feel like it neverending doesn’t it…?

Theresa x

Hi Peacock

I was mis-diagnosed with a frozen shoulder about 15 months ago, my surgeon even sent me to an orthopaedic surgeon who didn’t bother to examine me and put me under GA to do a Manipulation Under Anaesthetic. When I went for a checkup and told him there was no improvement he STILL didn’t examine me!! I digress …

One of the things that did help a bit with my not frozen shoulder was seeing an osteopath. Subsequently when I finally changed surgeons and referred MYSELF out of area, I was properly assessed by a physiotherapist and given intense physiotherapy which helped enormously.

I’m saying that I hope you have had a proper and thorough assessment and that physiotherapy can definitely help. I have also read that the Alexander Technique can also help with frozen shoulder so you shouldn’t have to just wait for nature to take its course - could be up to 2 years - you can do something to help it. Don’t be fobbed off by anyone …

Keep us posted.

Hi Peacock-just wondering how that funny mark on your body was going? is it still there? did you try the antifungal creme?

Hi Pineapple

It is still there, its not red anymore but you can see it, its like sunburn (maybe something to do with rads?) although the skin is different to the rest of my skin, it looks drier and just looks odd.

Its not itchy, not sore, hasn’t got any bigger and I am just using dexeryl on it after I shower, like I do all over my body as my skin is so dry these days.

I’ve put it to the back of my mind but if its still there next week I will show the Dr when I go for Herceptin that will be 3 weeks then, so time to tell.

How are your headaches now?

Love Carole x

Carole - hope they are able to put your mind at rest about it… i’ve got my check up with the onc as well next week - first one since i finished treatment…

theresa x