Cancer out in the open!

There use to be a time when nobody talked about cancer, or in my father’s family side they use to whisper the word! I just wanted to say how great I think that cancer is openly talked about now & there are so many support groups around that we can share our experiences & support with each other. Much love to you all xx

I agree! It’s so important to bring it into the open, break the taboos and prove that, frightening though it is, it is not the death sentence it might have been last century, nor is the treatment as terror-ridden as it once was. I get so mad at the negative coverage it often receives through ads on TV - they just keep fuelling the fear.


I naively called my blog “It’s only a disease.” I’ve spent a year pondering why we’re all horrified at hearing someone has a cancer diagnosis, but not heart disease or most other life-endangering conditions. A dementia diagnosis seems to be the only real equivalent I can find. I’m beginning to understand its specialness but still feel fear is one of the biggest negative factors for both the patient and their family/friends. We need to get that fear in perspective as it’s very destructive.


The other thing is the trappings of cancer. Why do I feel awkward going out in public without my prosthesis when it’s way more comfortable? Why do I wear a strategically placed scarf? Why did I attract almost hostile looks when I went out without my wig, sporting a somewhat sparse buzzcut? I find I put my comfort below the needs of others because I may make them feel uncomfortable. They make me feel guilty for pushing my cancer into their comfort zones. This sometimes included clinic where many women looked at me as if to say you’re letting the side down! It’s frustrating. 


Rant over. Well said, Elizabeth.