Cancer strikes back again

Dear all,

Oh well, I have cancer again, I rather sit on the cinema and watch the whole filmography of Goddard plus interviews, that have to deal with this terror again.

Today, I have had an appointment with the surgeon. It appears that I have DC and DCIS?, what a wonderful duet. Fortunately, no nodes or vascular invasion. Grade

The full pathology report is not ready yet, apparently it takes longer, althoght this wasn’t my expirience the first time I was diagnosed. I don’t know yet the hormone status, HER of triple netagive. Is this normal?

The cancer is in my scar tissue, what a lovely place!. During the inspection, the oncologist pointed out that on the other side, under the armpit there was an enlarged lymph node contrary to my mood, she was optimistic and said she was not concerned about it but I will have it checked. Also, I will have bone scans, lung and leaver for possible mets. Good what a nightmare!

The surgeon told me that bcs of my prior radiation therapy, the conservative surgery was not possible and I would have a mastectomy if I want reconstruction whe advice me to have it for my stomack and no implants due to previous cancer history. However, I must admit, that the thought of a mastectomy terrifies me as it is a big surgery, and saying farewell to body parts isn’t exactly my cup of tea.

I am terrified. I am been seeing at St. Bartholomew’s, any experiences with this hospital?

Any comments welcome

Truly yours,

Really Unhappy Nipple


Hi there,
What a nightmare getting a diagnosis of BC returning. I had the same DCIS but invasive scare back in June and like you was told I’d have to have a mastectomy. Implants and reconstruction not an option for me this year due to spinal surgery two months previously. I have a hemicolectomy bowel op in September too. TBH I didn’t want implants anyway as I’ve had a couple of friends whose implants went horribly wrong. I’ve just gone flat, been given two prosthesis (one for swimming) but don’t much like them. I found knitted knockers’ soft ones more comfy but I’m still only 6 weeks on from my mastectomy. I prefer not to have any thing unless going out with friends and family. My partner has been great and reassuring about only having one boob so that’s helped. The scarring I hope will fade over time but I am looking at possible tattooing at a later date. I think it’s a good idea to chat on here with other people who have gone through this and the oncology nurses to decide what’s best for you. The tummy fat removal for reconstruction sounded a great option for me as I have a horrible shopping bag from previous abdominal surgery but was told it’s a 6-7 hour process of two surgery operations leaving two lots of scarring to recover from over a much lengthier period. However, depending on whether I have key hole or open surgery for my bowel op, I may well consider breast reconstruction from the tummy next year. Watch this space! Good luck with everything and hope it goes well, whatever you decide. :two_hearts::blush:

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