Cancer survivors

I have been in remission 6 yrs now for stage 3 cervical cancer…just when I though I was out of the woods, breast cancer showed up.It was caught very early …had surgery to remove it and lymph nodes were clear.I am grateful beyond words.I have noticed people think because you survived any cancer ,you are back to your old self.That couldn’t be more wrong…has anyone had people think it was business  as usual but you are still struggling with the fall out from the actual cancer treatments yrs later? God bless you all…nancy


so pleased you have come through, yet another cancer we never know when this ugly head is going to pop up again.

Marking your words, people think once you get the all clear, off we going back into the normal world, we all know different.

lots of love and happiness to you and all the lovely ladies on this site

TILI :rainbow: :rainbow: xx

Hi I was diagnosed with breast cancer during the first lockdown and got told in July last year I was all clear even though it’s been that long I still find it hard to do a lot of the things I use to do. I still haven’t returned to work as I still feel very weak and anxious. I have been referred to occupational health by my work to find out if I can return which is making my anxiety worse. I feel that people look at me and think why is she not back? I want to go back but am scared. Elsiey