Cancer Vixen
Cancer Vixen I read the extract in the Guardian of this graphic book, bought my own copy and read it in one sitting - it is excellent and the writer has put into pictures so many of my own fears. Because she was in the US her treatment almost cost 200K. And there’s me complaining about having to pay £2.50 for the hospital car park…
Has anyone else read it yet?
Yes its great I also saw the Guardian supplement and thought it looked really good. I haven’t bought the book cause I’m actually not into cartoons (prefer my words unadulterated) but I think her ‘take’ on having cancer is so real and realistic and challenges lots of the myths.
There was good review of the book by Stella Duffy the other day in the Guardian. Here’s an extract of what she siad so you cna decide if Cancer Vixon is for you:
Admittedly, I already knew the basics of the story and made many of the same gags in my own show about my near-identical experience of the same disease, but then I think a good death joke is funny, whether you’ve been sick or not - and we’re all going there one day. Acocella Marchetto doesn’t flinch from the nastiness, the fear or the occasional bitterness of the experience. She draws an honest sadness, but she does so with humour and self-deprecation, the polar opposite of those ghastly tabloid “my brave battle” cancer stories. Her account of illness through diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in the process getting married to the man it took her 40-odd years of single life to find, is as inspiring as these memoirs usually aim to be, but far funnier than most.
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