Cancer what cancer........time for a giggle!!!!

Dear All

After a general discussion on the correct time for fun and time to be serious about the Big C it was decided that we should have a post devoted entirely to being totally silly and as the title states, cancer what cancer. Sometimes we need to just leave the disease to one side and be totally stupid and have some fun so here is the appropriate thread.


I did read a funny post on another forum about a proof reading error someone had read. Apparently, the book described a particular cancer patient as being a retired teacher with an interest in bowls. The article went on to say that lymphodema had “disrupted her bowels for a whole season”. Poor woman, as if BC and lymphodema weren’t enough, she also had terrible problems with her bowels !

afternoon campers, thanks minmx we needed someone to make a decision, have you been on ranters and told the girls (we should probably post on stinkers too) We use ranters for a moan or worry and stinkers for serious stuff and all the fun can take place here!!!
for all you who want to join in please do (it may be an idea to check in newly diagnosed under “sorry if i rant” & “i can’t believe it… no really it stinks” this will tell you the stories so far and how mad we are, but do joon and have a laugh xxxxxxx

Sorry tracy, i can now see you had posted on the other threads … you see once again OH has taken over the pc and im left using internet on my mobile!! and it’s beyond slow? well im sat out what a glorius day eh? when i came out in the garden i was putting sun tan cream, the spray type, on my two monkeys and all of a sudden the wee man sood still like a statue? then he looked at me, only moving his eyes and said, not moving his lips either, “me neck” then whispered, stil not moving his lips, “i’m the tin man out of the wizard of oz” it was so funny! anyway they now have an array of toys re-enacting the movie, i’ll be dishing out the oscars later! hope you all having as relaxing an afternoon as me x gotta go now & put phone on charge! catch up later x

thanx tracy!hope ur all well and enjoyin sunshine,catch up wit u later,the ironin basket is givin me impatient looks.alex. xxxxxxxxx

Hi Ladies
Been caught. But it made me smile. Went out Friday with a fellow victim of BC. We had one or two glasses of wine. Came home with the munchies so tottered into garage for some oven chips. Coming out of garage jeans dropped round ankles. Been to the loo and could not face squeezing myself back into them. No worries, shuffle inside and kick them off. Don sexy jamas (not) while oven chips are cooking.
Next door neighbour has just asked OH if I was Ok. He described sight of me retreating into the house with jeans round my ankles. Whoops. Perhaps I should call at take away on the way home next time.
Happy days

oh my it hot out there to day, im in the house cooking so it aint helping bacon, new spuds and green bean have been orderd by the tribe so it down to me to get it done lol hope you are all having a good
maz xxx

hi all,hope u have all had good day?j and maz,hope ur budding jockey and lil tin man enjoyed it?missing my kids at work,they r teens,non verbal severe asd and i love em 2 bits!missing my days out at asda etc when they throw a major wobbly etc.had a nice pub lunch with family that r over from spain where they live.very lazy day,my lil un ready 4 bed,being a mard ass cos he tired.oh put a fim on but not my taste!ta 4 ur replies re swelling pit,made me feel better.just seemed 2 appear my oh very nicely worded it,uurggh!u got that fat tit bra overload thing.wot a charmer,didnt even have a bra on!the git!love and stuff alex xxxx

well the day’s over and they are finally in bed!!!phew! Mind you I put a machine load of soft toys on to wash and they have been trotting down every 5 mins to see if it’s finished and they could take em out…it did and so did they …now thankfully it’s quiet, I evn got to have ago on thepc as OH watching rugby highlights on ITV4, result all round …we have jacket spud,tuna salads ect for tea, we ate al fresco it was lovely, just when I thoght how on earth am I going to convince them to come in and take a shower, coz by then it was getting on for 7pm, I saw it… and you don’t see them very often …but boy it did the job …they shifted …picked up the toys and bikes in top gear … yep I owe a large debt of thanks to a hot air balloon!!! it was heading this way, they do ocasionaly come over and have been known to land in the fields nearby, last time OH took em and followed in the car to where the balloon came down and along with several others who had done the same had a nosey round it!!! but the best thing was that when they come out of the shower it had completely dissapeared, must have come down before it reached us …what a result got em movin then vanished in time so neither of us had to race round looking for which fiels it was in !!! >sorted!!

now peace has decended and I’m gonna put the kettle on …early night for me I think …love to all Jeanette

Hi Jeanette, Maz & Alex (and any others)

Hope you are all well. Not been doing too well this past week with the side effects and emotions of chemo but today I am feeling a bit more like myself (well I think its like me if I am remembering it properly!!!).

Been a while since we had a giggle just wondered how you all are?

Lots of love
Tracy xxxxxxxx

hi tracy and others! sorry u have been feeling horrible tracy,heres hoping ur se,s improve very soon.maz and j,hope ur doin ok? been reading some of ur posts j.glad u havnt lost ur sense of humour.any news on ur start date 4 chemo maz? my rads start mid may and i went back 2 work today.with kids back at school didnt fancy mooching arond on my own all day.need 2 keep busy and i really enjoyed it. take care all and let us know how ur all doing. lots of love.alex xxxxxxxxx

hi tracy and others! sorry u have been feeling horrible tracy,heres hoping ur se,s improve very soon.maz and j,hope ur doin ok? been reading some of ur posts j.glad u havnt lost ur sense of humour.any news on ur start date 4 chemo maz? my rads start mid may and i went back 2 work today.with kids back at school didnt fancy mooching arond on my own all day.need 2 keep busy and i really enjoyed it. take care all and let us know how ur all doing. lots of love.alex xxxxxxxxx

hi alex and all
im still waiting for start date got to go for wig next week then back to rsh on the 18th but dont know if this is for picc line or chemo nurse or wot really lol they really do like to keep me informed,
good to see you gone back to work it must be good to be out the house for a few hours a day good luck with the rads hun you will have to let us know how you get on seeing as that will be us after chemo (if i ever get started that is ) hope the rest of you se are getting better i sure aint going to like the next step am i sending big hugs to you all
maz xxxx

ps no grandson yet but only 1 week to go

yo girls, how’s it going Alex glad you enjoyed going back to work, my two are back to school tomorrow,gonna miss em :frowning: My hair has started today to detach itself from my head!!! seiing mrs wig about me syrup on thurs, told me sister no lengthy hair styling!! 4 minutes in the tumble dryer!!! Bone scan was tommorrw buit scanners broke so not sure til tomorrow if it will go ahead, engineer looking at it first thing??? Alex got a pirate ship off the car boot for the wee man!!! lovely sturdy wooden one lots nof accessories £18 worth alot more and crumbs he loves it!!! its quite big, wont be surprised to find it in bed with him one night when I go up to bed!! I hope you get astart date soon Maz my 2n d one 9th may …hasn’t it seemed to go quick??? wishing you love and some fun and laughter on some days XXXXX