Cannot decide which surgery

Hi everyone,

I’ve been diagnosed with BC on right side and a non cancerous lump on the left side on Friday the 13th. My doc told me I have different options of surgery and I don’t know what to do. He recommend that we take out the non cancerous lump on the left side when we doing the surgery for the right side with BC. I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 1, Grade 2. The BC is 15mm.

Option 1: lumpectomy on both breasts and radiation and MRI till I’m 40 (I’m 34 now) and mammogram thereafter.

Option 2: Mastectomy on the right side with BC and a lumpectomy on the left side with the non cancerous lump and MRI till I’m 40 and mammogram thereafter.

Option 3: Bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on both breasts.

It would be easier if the doc didn’t give me options and tell me that I have to do one or the other. But now I’m left with a choice. Questions in my mind stay with breast or no breast? I don’t want to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life and run tests every year. I’m not sure about radiation and the long term side effects. And I don’t know too much of the different kinds of immediate reconstruction on the breasts. I will talk to my doc and ask him about the different reconstruction next time I see him but anyone who went through any of the options can help me? What is the recovery time like for both lumpectomy and mastectomy with immediate reconstruction? THe doc told me but I want to actually hear it from someone who went through it. Please help me with my BIG decision!


I had lumpectomy (WLE) and radiotherapy. The WLE was day surgery. I was told not to drive or lift anything heavier than a kettle for 6 weeks, but was certainly up and about the next day, very tired but within a week able to go around the shops with someone to help lift/push the trolley.

The radiotherapy I had was daily sessions on weekdays for 3 weeks, so 15 in total. Each one takes about 10 minutes. Side effects seem to vary between different people, I am fairly big ( D cup) and had some soreness under the breast, and a nice sun tanned single breast! Apart from that during radiotherapy I lost my appetite, and after the first week I was very tired. This lasted about 6 weeks I think.

I can’t help with your decision but I think if you weigh up all the options as you are I am sure whatever you decide will be right for you.


Hi, I had a smallish lump and had to decide whether to have WLE and radiotherapy or mastectomy - I also had chemotherapy, but that was because it was a grade 3 cancer.

I felt like you - that it was a massive decision and difficult to decide. I chose WLE and radiotherapy and really feel now that that was the best choice. Mastectomy is a much bigger and more traumatic operation. The snb had more after effects and you would have that in either case. Only you can decide which you will feel happier with mentally. Incidentally, it’s a bit of a pain going to hospital every day for radiotherapy, but other than that I didn’t find it a problem.

Best wishes for your decision making and your treatment. You will get there - just take a day at a time.
Stella x

PS - I meant to say that you have a much bigger decision to make than I had - and I found that hard enough. Sx

Hi there,

I’m a bit hesitant to advise you because I know I am biased but all I can do is tell you what I experienced. I had a lumpectomy and there was talk of a mastectomy but in the end they decided that they had wide enough margins to leave it at that (although I did have chemo & rads as well). But lo and behold 5 years later the cancer came back in exactly the same place. If I had had the mastectomy first time around I wouldn’t have had to go through the trauma of BC twice. I bitterly regret it now.

I am in the middle of a reconstruction now but because of various factors it is never going to look the same as the other one. I am still going to look mis-matched. At least if you have both taken off they will be able to reconstruct them to look the same. I have a friend who has recently had this done & although it’s been a bit of a long and slightly painful journey for her she is thrilled with the results.

I wish you luck in whatever decision you make, but it must be the right one for you.


I was dx over 4 years ago. grade 3 with positive nodes. I was given the option of a mastectomy or WLE, I didn’t know the answer.
I asked the BC nurse what she would do and without hesitation she said ‘WLE’. She said if it comes back after a lumpectomy then it would probably appear as another lump but after a mx it would come back on the chest wall, which is more difficult to treat. I asked my surgeon the same question and he said exactly the same. If it was his wife he would recommend the WLE.
I had a WLE and am so glad. My boob is a bit mangled (it depends excactly where the lump is) but I still have it, and when I’m dressed you can’t tell the difference.
I’m still here and enjoying life. Had a few scares but that down to my insecurities. I’m enjoying life again after the surgery. chemo and rads. It’s a distant memory.
Good luck in whatever you decide.

I was dx over 4 years ago. grade 3 with positive nodes. I was given the option of a mastectomy or WLE, I didn’t know the answer.
I asked the BC nurse what she would do and without hesitation she said ‘WLE’. She said if it comes back after a lumpectomy then it would probably appear as another lump but after a mx it would come back on the chest wall, which is more difficult to treat. I asked my surgeon the same question and he said exactly the same. If it was his wife he would recommend the WLE.
I had a WLE and am so glad. My boob is a bit mangled (it depends excactly where the lump is) but I still have it, and when I’m dressed you can’t tell the difference.
I’m still here and enjoying life. Had a few scares but that down to my insecurities. I’m enjoying life again after the surgery. chemo and rads. It’s a distant memory.
Good luck in whatever you decide.