Can't believe it!

Hi, nice to hear everyone’s news. Hope your results are OK, Pauline - it’s the waiting that’s the worst. I’m just starting to feel human again, it’s day 7 of my second round of FEC - slept most of the last three days! It feels rotten while you’re feeling rotten, but you have to keep reminding yourself that it passes.

Well girls i survived day 1 without too many questions from Parents, got a round of applause when i got my class this morning!!

Getting results is so frightening as is the waiting!! Didn’t realise how worked up my husband was last week until he told me why he disappeared into the loo at the hospital for so long!! Needed to get himself together and felt really sick. Hate what I’m putting my family through!

Susanne, sounds like its been tough, glad you are now feeling better.

Freddie you are right about weird things to celebrate!! I’m trying hard with the healthy eating, but cakes on staff room table today!! oh well!

Hope you are all ok, love Debs xxxxxxxxxx

Hi all

Glad to hear you’re first day back was ok. Bless the children- sometimes they can really llift you can’'t they. I must admit that since I’ve been covering PPA I’ve missed the connection with the class.

Susanne , hope you’re continuing to feel better, it’s a gruelling process I guess.

Nicky- I’m terribly nosey when it comes to fiddling and messing about with wounds and things. I like to see what’s going on!!You sound like your having a nightmare with your appointments - it’s always hard to know what the best treatment plan is too isn’t it?

Pauline, the waiting is the worst isn’t it? People at work can hardly believe all the waiting that’s involved. I’m kind of getting used to it now. A good idea about getting the BCN to go in too. I’ve decided to go without my husband this time as we’re finding it so hard to keep asking people to look after the children all the time-espeically as the appointments always run so late.I think I’m prepared with lots of questions this time anyway.

MAry- hope you’re okay. You’ve been quiet lately!!!

Sorry if I’ve missed anyone

I’m back to my normal paranoia- have a tight chest today so must be in my lungs …

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie good luck with results tomorrow. I’m also at prh tomorrow pm for chemo. Will be sending you good thoughts while chemo going in!
Nicky x
What time is your appt?

Nicky, how come you get to have chemo at PRH - I have to go to RSH. Not that I mind, it’s a nice unit, and although it’s farther it makes little difference time-wise. I thought they were closing the chemo unit at PRH?

hiya all - day 13 after first tax and just home from onc ward after 2 nights in - neuts right down etc and temp so had the joyful belly jab and iv a/biotics…and a good rest! Feel better today than I have for quite a while!! Thinking of you all…susanne - think you’re def for rsh if need fec or tax etc as there’s only 1 nurse at prh and risk of reactions is bigger??..mary x

Only 1 chemo nurse at PRH. Someone has been off for a long time but cover has been provided by RSH. I’ve been told that if you have tax it can’t be done at PRH due to the chances of an allergic reaction. Fec can be done at PRH.
I was told by bcn that it would be unlikely that I could have chemo at prh but I guess that I got lucky. Going to rsh would add about 20 miles to my journey so I’m glad that i got prh. Whoever has been off is back now so I have a new chemo nurse tomorrow I think. Just hope she can get the needle in!
Nicky x

thinking about you tomorrow then nicky and sending positive vibes telford way!! mary x

Ah - the mystery clears, as I am for FEC and Tax. Have a lovely nurse (well, Sister) at RSH, Anthea - very gentle with the needle, and we have a nice chat while she’s filling me full of swamp water. After what you’ve said about Tax making you more tired than FEC, I am really wondering how I could possibly be MORE tired! I slept almost continually from day 3 to day 6 in this round!

freddie, just wanted to wish you luck for your results tomorrow, only one more sleep to get through. Will be keeping everything crossed for you. Let us know how you get on.

Debs, glead school went ok, i hope i can go back even just for a few weeks will do.

hows it going mary?

Ive been for physio today, had fun trying to sort cording out, got to try again in another week, what joy.

2 sleeps for me till results…

Luv to you all Pauline xxx

Freddie, hope all goes well tomorrow will be thinking of you!

Nicky hope your chemo is ok, I’m still dreading it, but also just want to get started!

Mary, sorry to her you have been in hosp but glad it is sorted out and ou are feeling better.

Pauline, did they give you any gd exercises? I’m waiting for a referral to lymphoedema clinic as my hand is a bit puffy, i have been doing exercises but …
Will be thinking of you on Thurs.

Hope everyone else is ok, love Debs xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all
Having real problems logging in to site at moment, refusing to recognise password, so if I disappear for a few days, it’s not 'cos I don’t love you all any more!!! I seem to get in about 1 in 20 attempts - lots of swear words ensue - it is really frustrating when you want to send Good Lucks and things!

Freddie - will be thinking about you tomorrow - so hope you get those clear margins, everything crossed, honey.

If I don’t get on tomorrow, Pauline, good luck for your results. At least I can read how everyone gets on, but it’s like looking in through a window when you can’t join in.

Take care everyone - Mary, seen your exploits elsewhere - ouch!! that was really not fair, hope you are feeling better

Lizzie XX

Dear Lizzie,

Sorry to hear you are having problems logging onto the forums. I will pass this onto our technical team and we will try and rectify the problem.

Kind regards,

Thanks, Kate, basically - when I put my password in, it comes up with “No match”. I have also tried to start again, by re - registering, but as soon as I put my email address in, it says that email already exists! Yes! it does - its mine!!

Hi all,

Really good to hear from everyone. Sorry to hear some have had a rough time- hope you’ve got over the worst Mary, sounds like you’ve not been too well.Susanne , good job you have a comfy sofa.

Thanks so much for the good wishes for my appointment tomorrow. I will tell you all about my treatment plan as soon as I can.

Not long now Pauline!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxx

hi all
can i say that i was feeling really down this morning, as i have 3 out of 20 nodes involved and my cancer is also not hormone receptive, so no tablets after rads, but after reading back through this thread i feel alot better so thanks to you all,
also so much good luck for pauline on her results tommorrow, you and mary have helped me so much, as has everyone on here
love julie x

Hi Julie, hope you are feeling better! We all get our down moments! I had 2/21 nodes infected, its a blow isn’t it especially as it means chemo!well it does for me does it for you too?

Freddie been thinking about you lots!!!
Pauline sending you lots of thoughts for tomorrow!!

love Debs xxxxx

freddie hopping everything has gone well for you today, everything is crossed.

Thanks for all your good wishes for tomorrow, i have a perminant sick feeling. I will fill you in as soon as i can

Julie sorry to hear your feeling down today, talk to you on FB later

Mary hope your ok not heard from you today

Luv to you all Pauline xxx

I’m here and doing well…freddie - thinking of you…mary x

hi all
debs yes i have got to have chemo, not got my start date yet but soon, 3 fec 3 t and then 5 wks rads,my stomach hasent stopped churning today am trying bach remedie,will try anything,
good luck pauline for tommorow
hugs to all julie x