Can't believe it!

Hi - nice to hear you’re doing OK, Debs and Freddie. Ah… back to work - what fun! I have my second chemo today - I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to it! (I REALLY can’t tell you - those kind of words are probably banned on this site!) Anyway, I have a couple of hours sunshine, and we’re going to pop into Baileys for a coffee and a look at some plants on the way.

Susanne, hope you got through 2nd dose ok? Another person I will be asking for advice!!! How have you been?
love debs xxxx

Had my second FEC today. She had major problems finding a vein to get the line in - I’m dreading them resorting to a permanent line. Once she got it in, it wasn’t quite right and the saline was running really slow, so she had to keep jiggling it around till she got it in the right place - which meant she had to be really slow getting the chemo stuff in (apparently it has to be diluted at a certain rate by the saline.) It took an hour and a half!

Morning all
Another one down, Susanne, hope you are OK today.

Debs, Freddie…is it results X 2 this week? - hard to keep track! - but fingers are firmly crossed. I haven’t been back to work, and now with rads starting tomorrow, don’t intend to go back till after that. Hope you can ease back in, can you reduce hours or anything? Just remember not to overdo it! (OK, lecture over!)

Freddie, I haven’t been able to log on - so know how you felt without access - just doesn’t seem right not checking how everyone is! Strange how close you feel to people on here, isn’t it? Can’t remember which post someone said…something along the lines of “It’s just nice…, to be nice!” - that it is a bit “old fashioned”, but on here, there is genuine affection and care for others. Lovely!!

Take care
Lizzie XX

Not feeling too bad today, touch wood. Less queasiness than before, and she changed my supplementary queasy-tabs so I hope they’ll be better than that other ones. Can feel I’m going to be tired - que lots of naps on my comfy new sofa!

Lizzy i have results thurs, freddie next week? Thought i would go back to work for a week before half term I’m a teacher! Just to restart sick pay before i start chemo, cos might need time then!!
My head has been very supportive as have the rest of the staff.

Susanne, glad to hear you are not feeling too bad, it gives me encouragement as I’m very worried about chemo!!

Don’t know what I’d do if I lost internet have to check how everyone is at least twice a day!!! So glad I’ve got this!!

love debs xxxx

hi debs, me again,

like you i work in a school, only a TA though. Like you and freddie i am waiting for results day to arrive and its killing me.

I had MX for grade 3 38mm lump with sentinal node selection two weeks ago.

I am now just sat waiting for thursday 21st to arrive so i can find out exactly what i have and whats my next step. Without this site to keep me informed i dont know what i would do to kill time, just spent last 2 hours reading through all this thread…

Debs just wanted to wish you luck for your results for tomorrow

and freddie good luck to you for next week, wonder if your same day as me

Luv to you all wonderful, brave ladies pauline xxx

Hi all,

Good to hear from everyone.

Debs and Pauline, I work in a school too. I’m a teacher in a primary school.Debs- another similarity eh!!?? I went back this week and it actually feels okay. Like you say Debs, I thought I should go back whilst I feel ‘well’ in case radiotherapy or a mastectomy is needed and i might need more time then! Mind you, I am part time so it is manageable and my head is being brilliant- making sure that I don’t over do things. Pauline- don’t do yourself down by saying ‘only a TA.’ You are an invaluable asset in any primary school!! I might also need to pick your brains about your MX as I may need one-will find out next week.My appointment is the 20th- the day before yours. Mind you the appointments run so late that I’ll probably still be there on the 21st!!

Good luck for tomorrow Debs!

Suzanne glad you’re queasiness is easing, great you’ve got a new sofa for the naps, at least you have a real excuse for napping now!

Great to hear from you too, Lizzy. Did you go straight to rads after your WLE??

Mary, hope you are okay too. Love your photo too-great to put face to a name,

Love to all

Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Debs, good luck with your results tomorrow.
Glad some of you are managing to get back to work.I’ve basically been off since beginning of November although I did manage to get back to work for 3 days in December. I was told that I wouldn’t see onc until January because of Christmas but I saw onc and started chemo before the end of December. I have about 8 weeks of chemo left and can’t believe how quickly the time has gone when it seemed endless at the start. Susanne, like you they have difficulty finding my veins but I’ve had 8 doses with 4 to go and haven’t had to resort to a PICC, although I did actually ask for one at one point. Waiting for rads consent appointment now which has been put back 6 weeks until June!
Take care all
Nicky x

hi all - debs, will be thinking of you tomorrow & sending positive vibes!! Have had a bit of a naff time with the chemo this time but I’m back n kicking!! Nicky - why did they put your appt back - saw dr ag today and he told me a bit more about radiotherapy etc, due 3 wks then 8 sesions to scar so 4 and a bit weeks starting roughly 3 wks post chemo and start tamoxifen then too…mary x

Thanks for all your good wishes girls!!!

Pauline, schools can’t survive without TA’s, mine are going to have to work hard if I go back next week, ‘I can’t carry that!!!’

Will let you all know results tomorrow, love Debs xxxxxx

Debs and Freddie - you two are spookily alike, eh?!

Have a good day, all, have permanantly crossed fingers for all those with results due soon, making typing bl**dy difficult, I can tell you!

Off for my first zapping today - aqueous cream at the ready,
Lizzie XX

Lizzie its really weird with freddie and I isn’t it! Hope your zapping was ok!!!

Went today for results and very pleased to say thay this time I have clear margins. Now have a appt with oncologist on 9th June, a bit of a wait but thats because they said I can go on a holiday we had booked long before this started during the bank holiday week!

So it is back to work next week, I’m sure I’ll be exhausted! Thank you all for your good wishes, hope you are all well!

Love Debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Debs et all,

I’ve been out for a works meal tonight but have just looged on as I was keen to find out how things have gone for you Debs. Great news about the clear margins-so pleased for you!

Also good that you’ll be able to go on your well deserved hols!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxx

Thanks freddie, just a bit further along the line now! was a relief to get some good news! Funny how this now seems like good news!!
Hope everyone is well, love Debs xxx


Sorry to hear about the puffy hand- again nothing is straightforward is it??

I’m slightly concerned at how lumpy the incision line seems to be on me. Do you think this is usual??

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aaagh - just typed a long post and lost the whole lot!
Debs it’s good to hear about the clear margins. Enjoy your holiday.
Freddie you’re a lot braver than I was about feeling your incision. It took me a lot longer to get up the courage. At a guess it is quite normal to be lumpy as they’ve gone into the same incision twice so it’s 2 lots of scar tissue. As soon as it’s healed enough you might find it helps to massage it with some cream such as e45.
Mary good to know that your appt with Dr Ag went betterr than mine.My 6 week apt came through for Nov 2nd. Needless to say I’ve changed it to June but it is just before the start of my final cycle of chemo so there’s no way I’ll be starting rads 3 weeks after I finish chemo. I know that I’m being irrational but Mr H said that chem should “do for” my ovaries but I;m still having periods. I have read that if periods don’t stop chemo is considered as being less effective so I dreads that Dr Ag will add in more chemo before I start rads.
Lizzie, hope that your rads are going well.
Take care all.
Nicky x

hope everyone is well although we all seem to have ‘little’ things that are worrying us at the moment, it never stops does it!
My husband and i went out for a lovely meal last night because it was gd to hear margins are clear, need to celebrate something, but the bc cloud is always there isn’t it!!

love Debs xxx

Hi all

Hope everyone is well and have had a good weekend despite the weather.

Debs- I’m glad to hear you had a lovely meal- always makes you feel better.What weird things we celebrate now!!

I’ve had a weekend of very healthy eating but the children are struggling a bit with it! Mind you, it hasn’t done much for my energy levels. I’m beginning to wonder if my hormone levels are going a bit crazy. I seem to have two good weeks each month where I feel fairly energized followed by two exhausted ones.Hey ho.

Only a couple of days now until my next steps are revealed,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

hi freddie and debs, dont know about you freddie but it is making me feel sick everytime i think about the results and having to wait till thursday is killing me. I just rang BCN to see if she will be there with me when i get them, need someone who understands the lingo with me. Waiting for her to call back…

Glad you had a nice meal debs, we all need a little pampering some times. Have you gone back to work this week? Im hoping to after half term, depending on results. Cant plan anything till after then.

Have a good day Luv Pauline xxx