Can't believe it!

Hi freddie, think we both came on here at about the same time. I have been dx with lobular 3/3 and I’m in for op next fri 20th. So watch this space!!! Not sure what will happen afterwards but have been told its grade 2 very small and will probably have radiotherapy. I sometimes fell that its not really happening to me but suddenly comw back with a bump! Its a rollercoaster of emotions. Take care love Debs

Hi all
Thanks for all the comments. I’ve had a pretty rotten day particularly as I’ve had to tell quite a few people-keep getting upset when I do.

I am trying my best to keep positive. I’m remembering that the consultant did say that he thinks that the lump can be removed by lumpectomy and that there shouldn’t be a need for a masectomy. Mind you- in many ways I think I would prefer the masectomy.Thing is- I am now wondering how he can be this specific if he cannot be sure from the mammo/ultrasound. WOuld he just be going on the lump he can feel?

It is really great to feel I have so many people on hear to talk to. It really is my life line

Freddie xxxxxx

As you can see from my post, they offered the mri without me having to ask for it. You should be able to request one and i am sure it will put your mind at rest. Ok mine showed more but that doesnt mean yours will. I would speak to your doctor about it.

hope that helps


My lumpy area does feel a bit like beading. To me it seems kind of gritty and a kind of thickening certainly not a typical 'lump '. It is a bit weird as two weeks ago the consultant did not think it felt typically like cancer but yesterday he said it did.

I guess there is no point going over all of this as at the end of the day it is BC whatever it felt like two weeks ago!

Do you think I should ring and try and get an MRI scan before I go for the results of the biopsy ( 2 weeks time). I would hate to wait for results of biopsy , go to that appointment , then have to wait for mri scan.

Freddie xxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie, I got offered lumpectomy or mastectomy, was told it was totally my decision,all I knew then was had a small,15mm , lump near my nipple,grade two. Consultant said he could cut round nipple flap it down ,take out a scoop and sew back up, so that’s what I went for, am more than happy with result,a bit of a dent in boob but still a fair bit left. I decided after speaking to a load of friends and to people on here,so decision was,a bit of a wonky boob better than none and if you get offered the choice then why have the whole thing off if you dont have to,also if get very unlucky and it comes back you have got a bit of a boob for it to settle inrather than chest wall. However,while in hosp did meet a woman who got offered same as me and she just felt for her the whole thing had to come off, it’s whatever is right for you and how you can handle what you are left with post op.

Hi, I dont think it would hurt you to ask about an MRI, It could be a waste of time but it will give you more information before you decide. I literally went from lumpectomy to mastectomy in a matter of days. However, i know i have the choice in the future of some kind of reconstruction. I am trying to just look at this as a year out of my life to get back to health and femininity. Hope that helps you…



What brave positive people you all are.

I’m now a complete wreck. I just keep bursting into tears randomly?

I’m now really concerend about my two week wait. Surely if it has now been found it is best for it to be removed as quickly as possible. All I can think about is that I want to get treated as soon as possible. Isn’t there the chance that it could get bigger the longer I wait?

Freddie xxxxxxxx

Don’t worry about the tears,that’s just a natural reaction,hey ,it’s a big shock to the old system getting your head round all this. When I was diagnosed,there were 30 people at one stop clinic,told that 9 of us on that one day got the bad news that it was cancer,I was quite shocked at that number. That was the 29th Jan,got my op on 23rd Feb as that was the earliest date that I could get fitted in,however consultant said I could leave it til start of March if i wanted,ooh the waiting would have driven me more mad ! However,as was offered option of lumpectomy or mastectomy and as he was willing to delay it by another week I took that as a good sign. Try and keep busy,I power washed my patio,tidied garden and cleaned my house like a mad thing and did a load of cooking to stick in the freezer like bolognaise sauces and shepherds and fish pies and stews as I knew my hubs cooking wouldn’t help my recovery !
It does seem like time stands still but you will get there. Big hugs.

Sandra x


Guess you’re right. The consultant did indicate that he was thinking that a lumpectomy would probably be the best course but I need to wait for the full report first.

Sorry if i’m completely wrong- all this is new to me! but I was also wondering- if a masectomy is done can the cancer still come back in the chest wall? My reasons for having a masectomy would be in the hope that it couldn’t come back. But if it can come back somewhere else then I suppose the advantage isn’t that great?

I’m much better when I’m busy- a bit tearful when I’m not.



don’t you be sorry about anything,it’s a lot to get your head around and sometimes I just write gobbledegook ! lol, have sent you a pm freddie.

Hi you remind me how i felt, I cant even remember when i found out exactly it was cancer end nov/beg dec. i didnt have my op until jan 6th because of the extra tests and christmas getting in the way. You will become better with it, it just takes time to realise what is happening to you. You will probably find friends and family a great help, i know i have.

I hope this helps

freddie - ((hugs)) I know what you mean about the crying - I’d be fine for a bit then whoosh…I was diagnosed on jan 7th and told that day that I was booked in 3 wks later as a day case (makes a change from a head case) 3 wks later - I too wanted it sooner but in a way I think it helped getting my head round it etc etc, I was advised re a lumpectomy (wle) and did ask what about a mx - cons said if I’d have been 10yrs earlier he would have known what I meant and said maybe but he said things had changed and it was now shown that a wle with radiotherapy was as effective as a mx, obviously depends on what sort of diagnosis you have etc but thats what it was in mine and he said he’d try and talk me out of a mx if I’d have wanted one…so in effect when they recommend something def you do think well they’re the experts, he was very good though because my point was he could take my left leg if it gave me a better chance - luckily he declined the leg offer but thats nothing new they’re not special…you’ll get there, take some steps forward, some back, have good days and crap days…once surgery is here things do move along pretty fast - I can’t believe we’re into march and I’ve already had my first chemo…mary x

hi linda & sandra!!!


Thanks to you all for making me feel normal! ( not sure what normal is now?)Looks like we all go though the similar thought processes.

One minute up and positive, next minute full of worry-that’s me anyway.

Ha ha - had to laugh about the leg removal- that is my absolute thought-whatever it takes to rid my body of this then take it!!

Beginning to get my head around all this now. Off to buy a nice red mac to cheer myself up tomorrow and stop people looking at me with sad sympathetic faces.Also need some baggy tops- I’m sure peope keep looking at my chest sadly too!

Love to all

Freddie XXXXXX

freddie - lets hope mr hinton is def a boob man and not a leg man or we might be in trouble!! ;0) mary x



Wow this site really is good at making me feel better.
I’m not alone in this mad,cruel world.

Freddie xxxxxx

Hi Freddie,
Understand how you feel. Was diagnosed on 11th march(my 33rd bday - great timing!!) with G3 invasive ductal cancer. Have also been given choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy. Am choosing lumpectomy as cannot yet get my head around mastectomy though. Have been told may need one if cancer has spread and dh wants me to give permission if it has for a mastectomy to be done during 1st op. Logic says yes, but the rest of me is screaming no! Hope talk with mcmillan nurse tomorrow will help. My op is on 24th mar (my mum’s bday more great timing!!) Emotions all over place too. Being around my kids helps (3 and 13months) as they don’t give you time to sit and mope (something I’ve always been good at!!). Speaking of which - must get on (dd wants to go to beach)
Kathryn x

Hi Freddie (and everyone else),
Thought i’d left a message, but it seems to have got lost in cyberspace (or it could be because i’m useless with computers! I’m in a similar situation. I was diagnosed on 11th march(33rd bday great timing!!) with G3 ductal cancer. My surgery in on 24th mar (my mum’s bday - more great timing!!)I’ve been given the choice between lumpectomy and mastectomy. Am opting for lumpectomy as cannot get head around mastectomy. My DH wants me to give permission for mastectomy if surgeon finds cancer has spread, but i don’t know if i can. Logic says yes as one op better than 2, but the rest of me is screaming no! He is also really impatient for surgery to happen and wants me to change consultant to try to get faster date. Have refused as really like my surgeon and trust him as much as you can trust anyone you’ve only met 4 times!! Hoping meeting with mcmillan nurse will help tomorrow. Emotions all over place too. I have 2 small children (3 and 13 months) and find they help take my mind off this as I don’t get a minute’s peace when they’re around. Speaking of which must go and pick them up from my mum’s as dd wants to go to the beach today!
Thinking of you
Kathryn x
P.S. sorry to waffle on so much. It’s hard to stop when I get started!

Kathryn, let your tit go - you are more than your bosom. And anyway, you can have a nice reconstruction and look like Jordan (well, if you want to!) Really, they wouldn’t take it unless it was the surest way of minimising your risk - you say you trust your consultant, so trust him.

hi Kathryn…sorry you’d had to join us but you’re welcome!! What a decision…maybe chatting tomorrow will help you get your head round things - yes the emotions are like a roller coaster - up and down, its very hard…keep talking! mary x