Can't believe it!

Hi Kathryn and all,

Sorry to hear that you’re in the same boat. It is devastating isn’t it.I seem to have good days and bad ones.Had an awful day yesterday-mainly tears, but today very positive-don’t know why???

At least you have a date set and things are moving for you. Sorry to be ignorant but when you say your DH who is that- is it doctor???
Just thinking that I haven’t seen mine since I first went about the lump 4 weeks ago. Since my hospital appointments I haven’t been back but I’m now wondering whether I should then perhaps things could be speeded up here. Although I was diagnosed on 11th March too, I’m still waiting for the full report and second biopsy results. HAve already been told it is BC though but consultant is on holiday until 23rd.

Anyway enough about me- back to you. I know everyone is different but if I’m given the choice of masec or lumpec I’m going to go for Masec. For me, I can’t stand the worry of being obsessed by every little lump I find. If I could do anything do be rid of every shred of BC then I’d do it. Bring on Jordan I say!!! However I do appreciate that everyone has different feelings about this.

I hope you had a nice day at the beach- hopefully it’s cheered you up!

Hi everyone else too!


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Kathryn - sorry that you have had to join us…

Freddie - DH = darling husband…:smiley: also OH = other half (not old hubby as i once thought… lol)

Freddie, don’t worry about a couple of weeks’ wait making things worse. My bc nurse told me that by the time people find a lump, it’s often been growing for about 5 years - breast cancer tends to be slow growing. I had a two month delay between dx and lumpectomy because I had an mri and then a second biopsy and what with Christmas and new year… It really wasn’t a problem. And as others have said, it gives you time to get your head around it. My surgeon advised me to have a biopsy on a second suspicious area, so that I didn’t have an unnecessary mastectomy. They really don’t want you to go through that without good cause. The waiting is truly the worst time. Once I knew what surgery I needed, it was MUCH easier.

Take care


Thanks for enlightening me on DH! No wonder I was confused as to where the H came from if it was doctor!!

Thanks also for the advice regarding the growth. That has helped to put it into perspective for me.It also has made me wonder. Does anone know of any link between mastitis and BC. It’s just that when I was breast feeding my daughter 14 months ago I got mastitis in exactly the place where my BC is.

MAybe just a coincidence??

Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx


Sorry to go on, but in relation to my other comment I was also wondering…

If BC was developing a year or so a go, would it have affected the breastfeeding of my children. I fed them both (boy for 10 months about 4 years ago and girl for 6 months about 14 months ago) . I stopped breastfeeding about this time last year.

Here was I thinking that breastfeeding is meant to protect from BC a little bit!


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I was told by my surgeons and onc that women are at increased risk of a breast cancer diagnosis in the 3 years following childbirth. The risk reduction element of breast feeding only applies to overall lifetime risk. You are actually at elevated risk of BC during pregnancy and 3 yrs post partum. There are many many women here with breast cancer who were diagnosed during pregnancy or when their little ones were toddlers. My son was 15 months.
I think the guidance the breast cancer charities supply on the issue of pregnancy and breast cancer is glib and misleading (as do my surgical team). Many women are misdiagnosed with mastitis etc when in fact it is the bc. Your pain may well have been the tumourous gland and not mastitis at all.
I have always had painful breasts - they were agony throughout pregnancy and breast feeding was so intolerable I had to stop after 6 weeks.

I am sorry to hear of all newly diagnosed women.


Thanks for that.

I feel really stongly that more should be made about this implication. When I think about it, it makes perfect sense. The raging hormones in our bodies in pregnancy is surely likely to increase the risk yet I don’t think I read about this once.If I had I think I would have been far more vigilant on the checking during this period.

Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Had a lovely time at the beach!! Really recommend it.
What is it about doctors and holidays? Mine’s on holiday next week too!

Already have boobs as big as Jordan if not bigger (not sure that’s such a good thing) and I think I’m a bit scared about being so lopsided! (That sounds ridiculous I know) How big can you get prothesis? I would also have to wait until all treatments were finished until I can have reconstruction work which would be almost a year as they are going to “throw the kitchen sink at me” as my BC nurse said!

I have to say reading your responses and other forums has begun to help change my mindset and by next monday I think I may be ready for the op - although in 5 minutes time i’ll probably have changed it back again! What a rollercoaster. I wonder when it will slow down?

On a slightly different angle - what have people told their children about their op? My son is too young to know any different but my daughter is almost 4.

love kathryn xx

Hi all

Glad you had a good time at the beach. As the nearest one is about 100 miles away from me I don’t think I’ll be going for bit. Wish I could though!!

I wonder if the consultant’s are on a nice beach somewhere??? How dare they have another life - LOL!!!

I too will need to consider the telling the children thing. I think I might be honest to a degree- something along the lines of- Mummy’s got a little lump that the doctor needs to take away. I’m pretty sure that my 4 year old will be satisfied with that. Don’t think I’ll use the BC words though.Mind you- I don’t know my full report yet so things could still change I guess.

Just wondering- if my lump is palpable and the consultant knows exactly where it is, is it still advisable to have an MRI scan.The mammo and ultrasound were both inconclusive and my diagnosis is mainly on the results from the fine needle aspiration.


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

freddie - look at this site’s literature - they do a lovely book “mummy’s lump” for young kids…mary x
ps plus I sent for the one “talking with your children about breast cancer”

Hi Freddie,

Here’s the link to BCC’s publication ‘Mummy’s lump’ that Kittenkat has referred to, hope it helps.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator


Thanks for the advice on the book. Have had a look and might well buy it. Mind you, I don’t know who will be able to read it as I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep back the tears.

Anyone any advice about work? I normaally work half of th week and rarely have time off. I struggled in today but found it really hard.Keep getting tearful. (Diagnosed 11/3 but full results to come 25/3) I know I’ll be having lots of time off in the futures so wonder if I should try to carry on while I can?? Am I mad??? For me I’m more tearful and work than home.

Any thoughts??

Love to all

Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie, don’t be a martyr to the cause, if you don’t feel like going in and it’s a struggle then don’t do it. Why put yourself through it… what we go through is a huge shock to the system and we all handle it in different ways,some like the “normality” of work but I know if I had been working in a situation where everyone was giving me sympathetic looks or asking how I was all the time it would have driven me BONKERS !
I went through a stage after I told everyone that I just didnt want to pick up the phone as was fed up repeating myself and going on and on and on and had nothing too report at that time. Do what feels right for you ,that is what is important,big hugs,keep chatting.

Sandra x

Hello, I hope you dont mine me joining this forum. I hope you will be able to help me. Last May 08’ I found a 3cm lump and it was confirmed (triple ass) that it was a Fibroadenoma. I was happy not to remove this lump. In July 08’ I got very tired and I went to see my GP at the end of Sept 08’ and after alot of test it was confirmed I had a problem with my Thyroid(under active) and was put on 50gm of Eltroxin in October and by Dec 08’ my left breast had changed inside and outside. I felt a thicken area under my arm and a thickening above my nipple. The thickening above my nipple starts at the nipple and is about 1.5cm wide and gets thinner as it moves upwards. It is about 3.5cm long. I also feel something like a thick vein coming from this area to my chest wall. My left Breast is now 1 or 2 cup sizes bigger. Seen my BS in Jan 09’ and he could see my breast had changed in size but after I had my scan they found “duct estica”(sp) and two tiny cyst he was not worried. He did not order another momo or MRI. He thinks is it my Thyroid. He thinks some women are sensitive to hormones. Sooo I got a second opinion and new BS promised me when the Lump was removed my breast would return to normal!!! He did not do any tests like scan or mamo. So I had the lump removed and no surprise my left breast is still bigger. Still feeling tired and not myself and a cough that has lasted since Christmas(my old Gp kept telling my to take cough bottles)! I headed to a New GP for the cough after he told me I had bronchitis, I told him all about my left breast. He had a look and told me that Eltroxin did not cause my left breast to swell nor did fibrocycstic breast disease only in left breast(was not there until Dec 08’) He did say that if a tumor was growing on my pituitary gland, that could make my breast swell but my blood test have just come back normal. Now he wants me to see a different BS for the works Mamo,Scan and MRI with punch Bi. I am worried about Lobular Breast Cancer. Is my story similar for what you found in your breast before your dx? Or could it be my Thyroid/Fibrocycstic. My head is screaming at me to keep going with this. Sorry for this long story and wish you all well. x


Hi Mim

Sorry about your difficult time. I would imagine that if they have seen you this many times they are probably pretty sure about what they are finding and you should feel assured they are being thorough with you.

I’m quite new to all of this myself but I would also urge you to go with your instinct and make sure that you are happy with what they are saying. Have they done another fine needle aspiration thing recently with you? For me that was thing that revealed it.

When I first went to the breast clinic three weeks ago they didn’t really know what it was .After alot of prodding and a portable ultrasound they still were unsure. They described it as a thickening but that was all. They were happy to let me go and see me in six weeks time. I was so stressed about the whole thing and was convinced it wwas BC so needed more reassurance than just the feel.So I insisted on the fine needle thing there and then. Even then an hour later they told me all was fine and they’d see me in six weeks.The next day my breast was a balloon and my own doctor gave me antibiotics. It then went back to normal. An infection from the fine needle aspiration- the consultant said I didn’t press hard enough when they applied the dressing after the needle!! The lumpy thickening is still there- it is a bit hard to describe- not really a lump as such but a bit like a bunch of small beeds in an oval sort of shape.I do have lumpy breasts anyway which makes all this even trickier to define. Now I have read up on lobular cancer it seems that this is how it feels.

My right breast (where the thickening is) has always been a little larger than the left but it has never swollen. As far as I know a swollen breast is not a particular symptom of lobular cancer but I’m no expert so could be wrong.

Two weeks later the hospital phoned me to go back in. They’d had another look at the results and were no longer happy.( don’t know why they changed their minds) Had mammo and ultrasound. My consultant then said that although the mammos and ultrasound is not really clear a running assumption can be made that it is BC after all. He did another fine needle thing and I’m waiting ( seems like an eternity) for next week’s appoint to be told of the way forward.

So, I don’t know much more other than it is really those cells they got in the first place were the telling factor. I’m just lucky9 if I can call it lucky) that somebody somewhere re-checked the results.I think for you to be sure then the second opinion and tests should put your mind at rest. It sounds like they’ve been very through with you.

I don’t know much about Thyroid/Fibrocystic symptoms though I’m afraid so it could well be this.

As I said before I’m very new to this myself. I know it is just awful trying to work out what you may/ may not have. I’m sure everything should turn out fine but get the tests to be sure.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Does anyone else feel like this.

I now absolutely hate my breasts and can’t bear to touch or feel the lump at all.

I used to be quite proud of them!!


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hi Freddie,

Thank you for answering. No they did not do a FNA on the areas of thickening. BS just told me it is benign changes. I really want them to put a needle into these areas to be sure. I was afriad to ask cause they are the drs. Both drs just pat my breast I do not know how they would find a small lump! Thank god 70% of woman find there own breast lumps. To answer your question about the boobs!!! I loved my boobs(loved them). Now I am trying to hide them as you can see the difference and feel other people can see the difference too. Maybe it was my Thyroid but I cant fine other woman talking about it on the net. I phoned Goldshield pharmaceutical asking them, are there any reports of breast changes while taking Eltroxin. They are to phone me back this week. I hope that is not BC but something strange happened in Dec 08’ I had normal Breast up to that point well! there was a little difference but you would have never noticed. You would have to look very hard to see it but you would have never noticed it in a bra. I read on this site before it was changed about all the women that were taking Thyroid replacements tablets and later got breast cancer and how Lobular BS is hard to find using mamo and scan. Maybe I am reading to much!!! You are great to be answering back people like me. Worrying about what could turn out to be nothing. God the women are so brave and very encouraging to other women experiencing Breast Cancer. I will phone my new gp tomorrow and see what is the next step.

I am from Ireland.

Thank you so much.


Freddie, i know just how you feel about boobs, I haven’t touched mine properly since I first went to the doctors! Stll haven’t felt the lump!!! love debs xxxx

Hi folks

Just feel I need somewhere to vent my feelings. I have had an awful 48 hours- constant tears and worries. I really don’t think I’m coping well at all.It is affecting me physically and mentally. I thought being with my children would keep me busy but being around them just makes me cry. I don’t know how I’m going to cope waiting another week.

I’m also starting to feel ill too- can’t work out whether it’s symptoms of BC or just feeling run down. Should I go to the doctor’s-can they do anything? Can’t ring the B clinic as they’re not open on Thursadys.

Sorry to be so depressiong. Compared to everyone else who had to cope with this I’m really hopeless.Keep trying to snap out of it but 2 minutes later I’m down again.


Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie you are very stressed and very anxious - and understandably so. Waiting for test results is the worst bit of all of this I think. Once you know either way you can focus on the job in hand but being stuck in limbo is appalling. Stress can make you feel physically unwell.
I would say that you shouldn’t try to supress your anxiety - I have shed more tears in the past year than in my entire life. It is a safety valve. And talk about it - talk to all of those who will listen.
Try and fill your week with things to do - however mundane they may be. Just gobble the hours up with chores. Clean the loft out. Sort out the sock drawer. Bake cakes. Anything.
I think everyone who posts here understands how you are feeling.
Take care and hang in there.