Can't believe it!

Hi all

I want to give the lovely secretary (at the hospital I’m being referred to ) a great big hug! She has restored my faith in human nature.True to her word , she has just phoned and has confirmed the fax has finally arrived.She has booked me an appointment for next Friday.HURRAY!

As with everything there’s always a downside though. We had free Alton TOwers tickets and guess what day they are for… yes, next Friday.Never mind, now that the appointment is here,I don’t want to mess about with it.

Thanks for all the support guys,

How is everyone??

Glad you’ve got the appt, another step forwards!
Typical, the tickets would be the same day…but, hey Alton Towers will still be there when you’ve got sorted!

Have a good weekend, Freddie, and everyone else!

Lizzie XX

freddie, so glad you finally got a date, you can get on with life for another week instead of having that anxious waiting feeling all the time. The op wasn’t half as bad as i expected, so relax and have a good weekend now
Luv pauline x

So glad you have an appt, something going well at last! Why don’t you contact Alton towers and tell them yr story, you never know they might give you tickets for another day!! Love Debs xxx

So glad your new ally proved her worth today Freddie. You seem to have had delays/uncertainties at every turn. I hope you can have a week now where you forget about it as much as is possible. Rotten luck about the Alton Towers tickets, but I agree with Debs, it is surely worth speaking to them to see if the date can be changed?

Mary, hope you are ok, and everyone else too of course.


So glad your new ally proved her worth today Freddie. You seem to have had delays/uncertainties at every turn. I hope you can have a week now where you forget about it as much as is possible. Rotten luck about the Alton Towers tickets, but I agree with Debs, it is surely worth speaking to them to see if the date can be changed?

Mary, hope you are ok, and everyone else too of course.


Glad to hear about your appt on Friday Freddie. Hope you’ve managed to change your Alton Towers tickets.
I went to see onc today and have finally consented to rads - 23 in all. Should be all done by the end of August(except for Tamoxifen etc). A bit annoyed though as was told by surgeon will have Zoladex but onc says no. I really want my ovaries turned off as strongly ER and PR +ve.
Hope everyone else is ok.
Nicky x

Hi all

Just wanted to bump the thread up and check everyone is okay.

Good to hear you’re okay Nicky.I suppose if Rads are all done by Aug at least you’ll be able to look forward to Christmas!!!

All okay here. I’m now beginning to do more research on the recon bits but I must say I’m quite confused by it all and don’t know what would be best.None of them seem great to be honest.In a way I want to hurry up and get it done but at the same time I know I musn’t rush into doing something that I’ll hopefully have for life!!

Be good to hear from everyone,

Love Freddie xxxxxx

Hi everyone, hope you are all well.
Had my appt with onc today and having first chemo next Tuesday! Very scary!! having the same as everyone else 3 fec then 3 tax. Got more info on lump though and it was quite positive.

love debs xxxxxx

Ah - you’re on the road, Debs! Good luck with it - it is pretty vile, but only for about a week at a time, then you get two weeks off! You’ll probably feel queasy for much of that first week, so avoid fizzy drinks - get some Complan stuff, and smoothies in, and crackers. And take it easy - I find I feel more queasy if I try to overdo it.

Hi folks

Debs, good to hear you are further down the road and that the results were quite positive. I bet it has felt like the chemo would never begin.No school for you then- have you managed to avoid report writing?!Tried to get Alton towers tickets changed but no joy. Might go after appointment anyway.

Good to hear you are ok too Susanne- great advice given as always. Have you any idea how I would get info on particular breast surgeons who do particular recons? I’m quite keen on the DIEP procedure but I’m finding it hard to find out who’ll do this- can’t really practically go to the Royal Marsden!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie, have you looked at the leaflet they have on here? If you go to Health Care Professionals and scroll down to the bottom left, Publications, then scroll down the list, it’s about half way down under Breast Cancer Treatments.

Hi Freddie

Here’s the link to the reconstruction leaflet Suzanne mentioned to you:

Best wishes

Thanks for the advice Susanne! Will stock up this week!

Freddie, i am hoping to work some of the time! Onc said snotty nosed kids not a problem! Sch have said to see how it goes so I will! Unfortunately still have to do reports, got a new computer programme so should be easier. Had parents eve last night as I missed them earlier!!

hope you get the info you need, love Debs xxxxx

Hi debs, glad you finally get to join us. funny how different professionals say different things isnt it, i was told to avoid school because of the different germs kids carry. I only went back for 1 week after easter before surgery, by thursday lunch i felt something developing and by friday evening i had a full blown cold which i spent 4 days trying everything under the sun to shift it. Still had a runny nose but surgery went ahead luckly.

just think about yourself, i want this over with so i dont want to risk picking stuff up which would result in cancellation.

Good luck for next tuesday, i will try and keep you informed how i get on. having first FEC tomorrow at 1pm.

Luv Pauline x

Hi all
Debs I work in the nhs with regular contact with public and was told no way could I work through chemo because of risk of infection. I actually find that fizzy drinks help me after chemo, especially when my taste buds go on strike. Everyone is different and you will find what your own likes/dislikes will be.
Good luck with your chemo tomorrow Pauline.
Nicky x

Pauline, hope it isn’t too bad tomorrow! Good luck, its the fear of the unknown isn’t it!

Nicky, might ring the bcn and have a chat re work again, but she and onc said to work if I can! very confused will probably find I won’t want too!! Thanks for the fizzy drink tip!

love debs xxx

hi all
good luck for later on today pauline,and debs for next week
i`m feeling abit low today, as hair seems to now be coming out loads, and although i new this it is still a shock, any advice would be welcome
thanks julie

Julie, it’s horrible when the hair comes out - it seems like the final insult. I think part of the trouble is that part of me wanted to deny that anything really life-changing was happening - because you get no symptoms with early-stage cancer you can pretend, you just had a bit of an op, a few scars, put a Tshirt on and you can’t see 'em. But the hair coming out is kinda like a huge neon sign over your head.

There’s nothing you can do but go with it - trim what’s left right down, even have a No1, or it will look like the moths have been at it. And indulge yourself with some lovely scarves - I’ve adopted the Jade knot-over-the-ear look and it’s quite fetching really. And just remember IT WILL GROW BACK. This is only temporary.

hi susanne
thanks for that,yes i think until the hair thing i felt quite normal, i think i will have to get my friend to come and do the deed, i have a big bottle of wine so i can make it a social event, but will probely cry abit, i find it hard with the scafts because of what happened to jade, i now it sound silly , i suppose its the initialy taking the hair off
thanks alot julie x