Can't believe it!

Hey there

I start chemo 2nd july and this weekend i will get my hair cropped. I have two little ones- 2yrs and 10mths- and feel a gradual shortening of the hair would be less alarming than normal, then thin, thinner, gone!
Wig appt next friday.
FEels totally real now.

Best wishes to everyone

the hair bit is horrible - my daughter who’s 16 was really twitched about seeing it come out in clumps so when it was def on its way we shaved it off - well a friend did, she and I both blubbed and I felt bad asking her to do it but like the onc says mine, unlike his will come back!! mary x

Hi there ladies, im back. Had first FEC and it was fine. I would describe it as a blood test that lasts about 2 hours with a nice nurse to talk to. There was no pain, so ladies please dont worry.

I had lots of anti sickness drugs so i have to sit back now and hope they do there job.

Julie, i hope your ok, i know i will be exactly the same but it doesnt make it any easier.

I will keep you all informed, luv Pauline xxx

Pauline, so pleased to hear that it was ok, gives me hope for next week, still scared though!!
Sue, i had my hair cut shorter, but i know what you mean about wig appt making it seem more real! I am dreading that bit, so Julie I hope you are feeling happier.
Hope everyone is ok, love debs xxxxx

debs, like you i was dreading my wig fitting but i took my sister in law with me for support and an honest opinion and it wasn’t as bad as i expected. The lovely lady put a cap on first to flatten my hair and the worst bit was the first wig. Then i just got on with it. I tried a few, even some i had no intention of having but did it just for the laugh. in the end i went for something as close to my colour as possible and a bit longer. the next day i took the wig to hairdressers to show her and she cut my hair to nearly the same style so when i shave mine off, and put the wig on a lot of people wont even know. I was told yesterday my hair may start coming out 10 days onwards, going to see take that in 17 days from cemo so i hope i hang on to it till after then, be gutted if i have to wear my wig to that. I have even changed my profile picture on facebook so to a picture with the wig on so people i dont see very often will only be used to the wig picture, clever eh

Remind me what day yours is, so many people starting this week and next week.

Have a good weekend if you can,

Luv Pauline xxx

Hi pauline, rang the wig clinic today but had to leave a message!!
Hopefully will get there soon! have you tried the cold cap or not?
My first dose is on Tues appt for 9:30, so worried, but stocked up on all the remedies people suggest! how have you been today??

Freddie, Mary, Sussanne, Nicky and anyone I’ve forgotten how are you all?? love Debs xxxxx

My onc doesn’t like the cold cap - he says if it is reducing the effect on your hair, what else is it reducing the effect on (and we know the answer to that!) Anyway I’ve heard it’s not that effective - you’re still gonna get some loss, so it’s gonna look thin and threadbare. I’d rather just go for it - I’m beginning to quite enjoy being bald, I can’t remember what I looked like with hair.

I definitely don’t like my wig. I look like one of those ladies who spends all her time in the hairdressers and not one hair would dream of being out of place. It’s just useful for special occasions, like showing potential buyers round the house - don’t want to spook them, some people can be put off by very odd things. (PS - had two PBs view this week - probably the estate agents cousins, of course!)

Hi all

Good to hear from everyone. Sorry that I’ve not been posting much but at times I find it hard to know what to say as I have no advice or experience of the chemo and rads ( so far anyway). It seems that everyone is doing okay with it all anyway.

Well, I had my referral appointment today and a plan of action is now set. The consultant I saw today was lovely and spent a long time talking things through. I have a bit of a complicated journey ahead but it seems the best one for me. Next week I have the mastectomy with an implant. This implant will be a temporary measure. After my genetics test and once they’re sure there is nothing more sinister lurking around my boob and nodes, I will then get the ‘gold standard’ reconstruction- the DIEP flap one (with a free tummy tuck- yippee). She is also happy to do a double mastectomy if that’s what I want.Will need to wait about 6 months for the DIEP op though, hence the temporary implant.

I know to many people this seems like a horrendous pathway ahead but for me it makes alot of sense!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie,

Good to hear from you :slight_smile:

The most important thing is that you are doing what feels right for you and you sound comfortable with the decision you have made.

Wishing you all the luck in the world for next week…


Clear answers at last, Freddie! Good luck for the op - and please don’t feel left out because you’re missing out on all the fun of chemo and rads! Your journey sounds just as entertaining.

Hi Freddie, good to hear from you. Although you are not having chemo think your journey sounds challenging too! we all have so much to deal with but just get on with it! Glad you are feeling happy about it all, i have to say I could definately do with the tummy tuck bit!!
What day next week?? need to be sending vibes on the right day!!! Hope it all goes well.
love Debs xxxxxxxxxxx

On a different note!! Just been looking at scarf websites! Susanne what type have you found the best and did you use any of the websites? Just getting confused!!
Love Debs xx

I’ve just got ordinary scarves - got a couple in ASDA for a fiver. Quite large (tip of nose to fully-extended hand) square ones, and I find a chiffony fabric drapes best, rather than silky. The only problem is they tend to catch on the stubbly bits, but on the other hand once they’re in the right place the stubble holds them on better! It’s a bit of a pfaff to tie them - sometimes I take them off without untying them, then put them back on ready-tied - doesn’t always work, but if it does it’s easier.

Hi debs, still feeling fine, day 3 now and no bad side affects exept indegestion which i can live with. After seeing the cold cap and feeling how heavy it was, i didnt bother. I decided it was only delaying the inevitable adding something extra unpleasent to the cemo experiance.

Hi freddie, nice to here from you again. Great you have some straight answers and an action plan now. You will have to keep me informed with your progress, im fancying a free tummy tuck too when my time comes round.

Have a good weekend everyone, luv pauline xxx

Hi Debs,

Just wanted to wish you, and anyone else starting chemo tomorrow, all the best.Hope it all goes ok and you don’t suffer too many SEs

Love Helen xx

hi debs!! Will be thinking of you tomorrow…once you get the first one over it feels better - I’ve been away camping this weekend and had a lovely lazy break…mary x

hi debs
all the best with your treatment tommorrow, and anyone else
hugs to all julie x

Hi debs,
good luck for tomorrow, who knows it may be me on thursday!! Ive been waiting for so long now Im beginning to think that Ive imagined it all and theres nothing wrong with me at all!! But then when I undress I remember…
Im still trying to pluck up the courage of having my long locks cut off to a reasonable length, I dont want to clog the shower up do I??
Good luck to everyone else having/ starting Chemo this week, loads of positive vibes coming your way xx

Thanks girls for all your good wishes,don’t know what I would do without you!
One problem how long will I be at hospital tomorrow, how long does it take for a dose of FEC!!!
will let you know how it goes, love Debs xxxxxx

Hi all

The very best of luck tomorrow Debs. Will be thinking of you and anyone else having treatments/chemo.

My op is next Monday,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxx