Can't believe it!

hi all
congratulations nicky on having your last chemo, i still have 4 to go
freddie i know what you mean about feeling angry, i have moments like that, when i walk around and everyone else is doing there normal thing,but i try to think that this is a time in our lifes that we will get through and come out the other side, and our children will still have a smiling face for us,
i have just had a call from school that my 10year old is refusing to do his work, so i will have to deal with that when he gets home ,think the bc thing is affecting him abit along with his already axiety issues, anyone any advise
take care all julie

Hi Freddie

Just wanted to wish well and hope your recovery starts to get easier real soon. (We’ve corresponded before re Diep following DCIS diag).

I really feel for you as I had mast & diep recon done at the same time and and am having a pretty good recovery (hospital 9 days which was needed but more discomfort than pain. I mention this because I really hope this hasn’t put you off having recon. The question was raised with me whether they’d do mast + implant 1st and then recon later but it was thought I’d be OK to do whole op at once and I was keen for this (although this was a lucky gamble as the DCIS had started to become invasive between diagnosis and op (8 weeks!)).

Really hope you don’t get put off (for what it’s worth, the diep does give, even a big girl like me, a decent ‘tummy tuck’ and really cute belly button!).

Feel free to PM if you wish - I’m sure you’ve plenty of good friends here who’ll keep you ‘chatting’ but count me in as an extra!

Lots of love. Cathy xx

Hi Julie,

After reading your post where you mention your son, I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication regarding talking to your children about breast cancer. If you would also like to give the helpline a ring I’m sure they’ll also have some extra information that may help.

Hope this helps. Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

julie - my son is 10 and a quiet lad, and sensitive, daughter has always been open about being upset/scared but then she is 16, he bottles it up…he sleepwalks a bit more now and is extra cuddly and a really caring lad - always keen to make me a cuppa bless him - I hate that the kids have this to deal with - he has a friend at school who’s mum at 34 has MS and is poorly a lot of the time - I think it helps him to know that other mums have problems too - now and then he’ll ask me if I’m happy - bless - and when will I be normal again - answers on a postcard please!! I must admit that now I’ve done the chemo bit I really resent not having my hair - at least I’d look “normal”, he also was very fretful during my 2 admissions to hospt during the chemo…mary x

Julie, I’m sure you have but do the school know about your bc? He might have someone at school that can talk to him, sometimes it can be easier with someone who isn’t involved! Hope you sort him out!

Freddie, hope you have had a better day? I think it hits us sometimes what we are trying to deal with, along with trying to be normal for our families! Sometimes it just doesn’t work!

Hope everyone else is enjoying the heat! love Debs xxx

Hi all

Firstly can I say sorry for having a bit of a rant yesterday. I was having a bad day. I’ve had a MUCH better one today. The final drain has come out and I can move relatively freely again- HURRAH. Also, my results showed only residual DCIS left was left in the removed breast so I don’t need any other treatment. Funny, I didn’t ask whether I needed to have tamoxifen etc - mind you I need to be pumped up next week so will ask then. They removed all the dressings too and it wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated and looks okay.
The consultant has put me down for the DIEP op anyway and I think there is at least a six month wait to prepare myself.

Thanks Cathy for your encouraging words. It has helped me to think that I shoul persevere with my preferred option. Good to hear that you are recovering well.Scary to realise how easily DCIS can become invasive- it has always concerned me- when does it decide to change I wonder?

Nicky -big belated congrats on completing chemo, you got there!Julie, Mary, the children things is hard isn’t it. I suppose with mine being younger it is the physical side of coping with their needs that is harder. As they get older it is the emotional side that is harder I guess. With all this BC lark there seems to be swings and roundabouts doesn’t there. I hope you’ve managed to get him sorted out Julie. It is a hard time of year anyway- heat- tired, end of termitis kick in, let alone the BC issues.

Debs, thanks for your grounding words too. How is your treatment plan going?

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie - glad you’re feeling so much better, and they got the bugger before it Transmogrified (is that a word?) And this is one place you never need to apologise for having a rant!

thankyou jo bcc,i will give the line a ring,
freddie i think you are right to with the end of term,he struggled abit last year at this time, let alone the bc, they have a behaviour specilised going in to talk to him,and i think he likes her and oppens up,
thanks kittenkat, my son to is very quite normally, but at the moment is getting angry very quickly,he is now also under a pysciotrist (cannot spell) so hopefully they will be able to help,it just needs to be sooner rather than later,thanks all
im now off to the workshop at the nursery were i work, see all the kids
julie x

Hi everyone, How do you like my new pic? a bit brighter than my last one.

all our kids will deal with this s…t in different ways, julie don’t beat yourself up. Your son is getting support and you are there caring for him. He will come through this just like you will.

Anyone tell me what protien+ means to me?

Also found out today im HER2- is that good?

Enjoy the sun, luv Pauline xxx

I’m HER2- too. It’s good - it’s less agressive, and it means you won’t need Herceptin, which does have side-effects. No idea about the protein thing though - I thought HER2 was a protein, but what do I know?

Pauline new photo is lovely!!!like the headband!

Hope everyone is dealing ok with the heat! love debs xxx

suzanne, that is what has confused me too. reserch says HER2 is protien. Need to ask about that one.

Debs, thanks for your kind comments, might look nice but its blooody uncomfy in this heat. stock up on bandanas and sod it. we need to stop worrying about what other people think, says her that was crying for england 48 hours ago

off to bed now, big day tomorrow

sleep well everyone, luv pauline xxx

well it looks like i stopped this thread dead in its tracks…

oh i found out i’m not protien + but i am progesterone + so that cleared that one up…

lets get it going again then!!

freddie how are you doing???
love debs xxxx

freddie has been very quiet recently hasn’t she debbie? hope your ok freddie

good luck debbie with the hair and the chemo tomorrow, hope it goes ok. will be waiting to catch up with you soon

Luv pauline xxx

Freddie where and how are you???
a bit worried about you!
love and hugs Debs xxxx

Hi all,

Haven’t “dropped in” on you girls lately - hope you are all OK? - and yes…Freddie, how are you doing?

Pauline - photo looks great! - did love your puppy as well though…and Debs, hope that cr*p*y chemo isn’t too rotten,
Take care, I’m still keeping an eye out for you all!

Lizzie XX

Hi Lizzy have to say feel very grotty today, I hate feeling ill!!

Hope you are ok!
love Debbie x

Thanks lizzie, you can have the monkey if you like (not really) 9 months old and into everything, my daughter hasn’t got one pair of knickers without holes in them, pup wrecks them all… hope your doing ok

Must say after about 10 days of no hair, my wig is getting worn less and less and scalves more and more, i got braver with time.

Debs day 7 for me and i feel much better today, would say nausia as about gonr today, just a bit tied thats all. hang in there girl

Freddie, hope your ok

Luv Pauline xxx