Can't believe it!

Freddie - good luck

Theresa x

good luck freddie, love julie

Freddie so sorry that I’m late posting but thinking of you today and I hope that it’s several days before you read this or you’re out of hospital too soon. Take care of yourself and remember to rest.
Nicky x

hope all went well freddie, looking forward to hearing from you but not too soon xxxx

Hi all

Thanks again for all the messages, all helps very much.

Well I’m home but I have to say it has all been a bit more painful than I expected.The op went well, they removed some nodes and they seem clear so I they don’t think there is anything more than DCIS anyway.I’m very sore though- in fact the evening of the op I could hardly sit up in bed to drink a much wanted cup of tea. I still have three drains in which are a real pain to carry around but I’d rather be home.I’ve got loads of painkillers which I’m taking liberally!Feel a little emotional as I’m obviously very lob sided as I have not been ‘exapanded’ much yet.Not sure what I’m going to wear for the next few weeks - little summer tops are definitely out for me!

Still, I suppose I could be worse.

Hope everyone is okay- be good to hear how everyone is doing,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxx

Freddie - glad it went well and that the nodes were clear…

Take care


freddie glad to hear your home and it went well. How you coping with 3 drains, i moaned about 1 drain. you wernt in long was you. Take it easy and let everyone spoil you.

Luv Pauline xxx


Actually the drains are an absolute nightmare. I can feel them pulling constantly on my side and can only sleep in certain positions. I can’t wait for them to go. I’m having two off on Fri but will have to wait until next week for the removal of the last one.

I have to say that all this is really putting me off any further thoughts of reconstruction. I wonder if it will be the childbirth mentality where the pain quickly gets forgotten…don’t get quite such rewarding results though!!

Love Freddie xxx

Hi Freddie, so glad you’re home, and the nodes are clear - that’s the best news of all. The drains are a bludddy nuisance, and quite painful, but they’ll soon be gone. Now as much rest in the sunshine as you can manage with two littl’uns around, and in a few weeks you’ll be feeling back on top.

Hooray, you’re home Freddie :-))))) I have been thinking about you so much in the last few days and couldn’t wait to hear from you.

I’m so sorry the op was more painful than expected, but hopefully day by day, along with the help of the painkillers - keep taking them! - you will feel start to feel better.

Sounds like good news about your nodes. The drains sound horrid…roll on Friday and it will be 2 down and 1 to go! Don’t think about the reconstruction for now…just concentrate on recovering and you will be much better placed to make a decision on that when you are feeling better.

Sooo glad to hear from you…

Love and best wishes,

Hi Freddie, so glad to see you have managed to post on here, hopefully it will get better soon! Keep taking the painkillers!! i found it hard to sleep with 1 drain let alone 3! Remeber to take it easy and let everyone take care of you!
sending hugs, love debs xxxx

freddie ((((hugs)))) and glad you have it over now kid, you rest up, it will be an emotional time and frustrating too but you’ll get there - keep yourself painfree, mary xx

Good to see you back, Freddie! Gentle (((hugs))))!

Take it really easy, make sure you are waited on hand and foot, and when you start to feel you can do things…Don’t!! - rest for a bit longer - you know it makes sense!

Another milestone, Freddie, well done.

Lizzie XX

take it easy freddie, its early days just rest as things will still be there next week and the week after,when you get thoose drains out that is one step forwards
take care julie xx


Just to say I hope you got 2 of your drains removed today and that it wasn’t too bad, and I hope you are feeling a bit better after the surgery. Presumably mobility/sleeping/discomfort etc are all a bit easier with ‘just’ one drain to go?

I hope you are ok. Thinking of you.

Big hugs,

hi freddie, hope your doing ok. i only had 1 drain and it was so much better when that came out so hang on in there, when they are out you will be so much better. Have a relaxing weekend
luv Pauline xxx

Hope you’re feeling a bit more comfortable minus 2 of the drains Freddie.
Yipee - had last chemo yesterday. Just 3 Gcsf injections and that is it all over. Rads planning on Friday and start tamoxifen in 3 weeks. When I started chemo in December I thought the end would never come but it’s actually gone quite quickly so for everyone on chemo there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Hope everyone is ok.
Nicky x

Hope you are nearly drain free Freddie and that you are a bit more comfortable. Thinking of you and wishing you well, love debs xxxxx


Hi all

How is everyone?

Just thought I’d let you know my latest news.I had two of the three drains out on Friday so that was loads better. I still have one in which will (hopefully) be removed tomorrow.

I have to admit I’ve found the last few days really hard. The worst thing is trying to disguise the drains with a bag /loose cardigan etc in this hot weather! Life still has to go on, my husband had to go back to work today and I was left with the children. Crikey it was a tough day.To top it all, I’ve just caught the tube of the drain on the kitchen door handle-yikes-very painful!!! I must admit that I’m starting to feel quite bitter about the whole thing now. Surely these should be wonderful days in the sun with my two young children but instead I find myself waiting for their bedtime so that I can relax. Bloody BC!! I suppose I should be grateful I’m here and can be treated though.

Sorry for ranting but just had a hard day today.

Hope everyone has managed to enjoy the sun!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx