Can't believe it!

Hi all

Thanks for that too Sal. I suspect I may have sickness too- seem to remember that I did years ago on a previous op.Also good advice about not rushing home. I know it is very tempting to do so, but with young children at home I better not,

Good to hear you’re still healing well Debs. Hope I do too. I had an infection after the first FNA but all was fine following second biopsy. Guess I’ll have to hope for the best this time.


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I had really bad sickness on my last op, 20+ years ago. I told them about it, and this time I was absolutely fine, no nausea or anything.

I felt a little sick in the recovery room, but they gave me something very quickly, it was the first question the nurse asked and i was fine then, no nausea at all! love Debs x

Hi All
Think you’re right, Suzanne, anaesthetics seem far better these days, I had a knee op about 20+ years ago, and definately felt pretty lousy afterwards. From what I can gather about this weeks offering, the anaesthetist explained they use what he described as “regional anaesthesia” - sort of local++ in the chest area, so what they actually put you out with is “lighter”. This means it is easier for recovery, and the stuff around the op site lasts a while to give you pain relief.

Had a bit of a wobble beforehand, as the junior doc described it as “doing op under sedation - but don’t worry, you won’t know much about it…!” NOOOO!! I want to know NOTHING!! - put me out!! Which is what actually happened, so did mention to nurse that she might like to have little chat with said doc about his description. I really spent the 4 pre op hours worrying about it, when I needn’t have!

Hope everyone is OK, Freddie, you will get to the point of almost looking forwards to your op, and we will all be here for you,

Take care
Lizzy XX

Hi all

Thanks for all the adice regarding the op-especially about the nausea. I’ll certainly ask for things if I need them. I am actually looking forward to it- and of course, it will get the ball rolling with everything.

However ( nothing is ever straightforward with me) I’m a bit worried about my current state of health. I still have this stubborn sore throat- my husband has the same thing so I know it is a bug of some sort. Thing is- my husband got it after me and already feels better but I’ve still got it. Also I’ve got muscle pains around my middle when I press and prod. I know this sounds bonkers but I’m not sure whether it is to do with my bug or because I’ve been jumping around too vigorously with my son on our trampoline!!

I really want the op and don’t want to put it off but I thought I would have shaken this bug off by now.I can’t bear the thought of postponing it and wating any longer.But realistically, I’m worried that I’m not fit enough for the op and this could cause problems.

I’m trying to get as much vitamin c in me as I can in a hope to shake it off by Weds!!

Also -how weird- my lump seems to be totally different now. I can hardly feel it and feels nothing like the hard gritty mass I felt 2 months ago. Unless I’m getting used to it that is??!!

Any thoughts?

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi folks

Need some advice please.

I have now had my sore throat for about a month (half way through the saga of the start of the BC journey). I’m due for the WLE on Weds. However I am concerned that I may be too ill for the op. The sore throat and swollen gland bug has rattled round my family and friends. My son is now very poorly with it. My husband has had it but has recovered much more quickly than me.Should I confess all to medics before the op or just hope for the best and go ahead with WLE anyway? Everytime a wake up I hope it’s better but it never is. I don’t think the overhanging issue of BC is helping my recovery.

I really cannot bear to have to wait any longer for WLE , it has been torture waiting this long!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh Freddie,you really don’t want more to worry about do you!Not sure what to advise you, but you have got a couple of more days to get better! I can understand you not wanting to put off surgery hopefully it won’t come to that, take care love Debs xxxxxx


Thanks Debs, hope you’re doing okay.I know it was a difficult one to advise on really.

Well, all the anti biotics have done is given me thrush- great. My little boy was up all night pooorly, bless him.

So have taken paracetamol today and feel loads better already!!


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glad you are feeling better! xxxx

thinking of you, hope all goes well tomorrow!
Love Debs xxxxxxxxx


Thank you for thinking of me. I’m starting to feel nervous about it all now but at least it’s moving things on.

I hope you are feeling okay too.


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Freddie

Hope everything goes well for you today.

Sue xxx

Good luck for your op, Freddie - thinking of you.


Thanks for the good wishes and hope you’re all well too.

Ive just packed my hospittal bag and ready for an early night.I guess I’m almost two weeks closer to finally getting some results of some kind.

Love Freddiexxxxxxxxxxxxx

Didn’t log on at all yesterday, so, somewhat belated good luck for today, I sure you’ll be fine, I’ll be thinking about you.

Don’t make the mistake I made - euphoria at finally getting the op over probably made me feel better than I was - and overdid things a bit Saturday (op was Thursday) felt like I’d been run over by a train on Sunday!

REST!! TAKE IT VERY EASY!!! You’ll be fine, I am now doing what I am told, and feel OK.

Love, and a gentle post op (((Hug)))
Lizzy XX

Freddie - good luck today…:smiley:

Love Theresa

Freddie, I had a busy day yesterday and didn’t get round to posting for you last night. But I’ve been thinking of you since 7:30 when I woke up and sending good vibes your way.

Take care.
Sal xx

Hi just been reading about all your waiting time etc and today is the day for op,hope everything goes ok and thinking of you.I know i have Bc with op on 30April.
Just take care and will catch up with you
Hugs and things

Hi all

Firstly can I say a BIG BIG THANK YOU to all the good vibes and wishes I have received.I’ve been really touched that you’ve all been thinking about me.

Well I finally had the lump out today,AT LAST! All went fairly smoothly and at present i’m not in any pain but it might be to come so I’m prepared for that! The cut only seems to be very small and the consultant said that they were able to get it out’very easily’. So ,of course, I’ve since been analysing what this might mean! I’m hoping that it means that the cells are contained in the lump and have not ‘invaded’ but realistically I know I must wait until my appointment to find out. Apart from excessive bleeding and needing a pressure dressing I’m in quite good shape!

Mind you, I have to say , the communication, or lack of, is beginning to drive me mad. The nurses were lovely but knew very little about my situation as it was a general day ward. I got to speak to my consultant for about a 30 seconds before the op and not again. When I was discharged I took myself down to the BC clinic to find the consultant to ask him how the op had gone and for any more info. He’s said that he has pushed for the results to be ready next week rather than two weeks later as he is aware I’ve been waiting and if it is invasive BC he wants to get on with treatment. I hope this isn’t a bad sign!! On reflection I think the lack of communication could genuinely be because they have nothing to communicate with me about yet!!!

So all in all ,not so bad, and I’m a little closer to full results.

Hope you folks are all okay too

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wow - you’re home already? Didn’t you like it there? Apparently you weren’t on Ward 12, where they generally seem to put us “breast ladies”…? And no lymph nodes removed? Lucky you - hope they don’t have to go “back in.”