Can't believe it!

Freddie, great news:D

Glad to hear all is ok Freddie. Remember to take care - especially if the pain is under good control.
Nicky x

Freddie - glad you have it all over and are home - rest up now - I ended up getting mine a week later because I got an appt to see them about my boob being sore etc and they thought I had come for results so had them ready what they could - bit of a shock for me as I thought they were going to stick a needle in boob to drain it! I too was on the day ward at Telford, in for 0730 and home by 3pm - did they take any nodes? I know what you mean about seeing the cons for 30 secs just before going into theatre - said how are you and I’ll see you in a minute but you won’t see me…bless, has he had a hair cut yet? mary x


Well, I was in Ward 12 but no other fellow breast ladies were there. It must have been teeth day today as they were all in for wisdom teeth removal. I was sitting opposite them and when they’d come out and they were all moaning about the pain and being very miserable. At times i felt like shouting at them-at least your pain will be shortlived- have you any idea of my anguish and pain!! Then I felt better of it!!

In at 7.30, treated at 9.00 and home by 2 pm- not bad going I guess. In fact, I think I have been in the breast clinic for longer with the other appointments.

No lymph nodes removed today. Basically it was just a surgical biopsy I think so I have to prepare myself for the reality of possible further surgery and lymph node removal I guess.
Ha, ha- no, no hair cut as far as I could tell!!

Hope pathology don’t have an Easter break though!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wow Freddie didn’t expect to see you back on here so quickly! Glad it all went well and that you are not too sore,hopefully you will hear soon and it will be good news. Take it easy! Mine is more painful now than at the beginning but I think thats the lymph nodes bit! love Debs xxxxxxxxxx

just bumping it up! Happy Easter to you all xxx

Hi debs et all,

Happy Easter to everyone too!

Hope all you guys are okay.

I’m recovering quite well. Seem to have had less bruising and much less pain than i expected to have. I’m wondering if they’ll be more to come if/when I have to have nodes out-maybe armpit area is more painful?? Weirdly, the only pain I have is on the tip of my ear-do they put a clip there or something during the anaesthetic? Wound is itching where I’m healing but apart from that, not bad really.

Getting a little anxious about results next Weds but at least then I’ll finally know what’s going on.

Love to all,

Freddie xxxxxxxxxx


Hi Freddie, glad to hear you are recovering well. My boob wasn’t sore but armpit area still is 3 weeks on from node removal. So I’m hoping that next bit for a clearer margin will be easier! Love Debs xxxxx

Hi all

Hope we’re all enjoying the weather- it’s lovely here in Shropshire.
Debs. let’s hope you’ve got the most painful bit over with then. x

I’m okay but getting paranoid again. Whilst I’m pleased that I seem to be healing well after the WLE I’m now worried about the bleeding I had after the op. The nurse had to put a pressure dressing on due to the bleed.Weirdly there is very little bruising or swelling now.

The reason I’m anxious about the bleed is that I have read that large tumour cells need lots of blood to feed off. I was hoping for a result of DCIS (strange to hope for this I know) but now I fear that I might have widespread invasive cancer after all.

Or am I just trying to second guess a result I just can’t guess!!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hi freddie - the breast is a very vascular area at the best of times so I spose will bleed easily - I needed a pressure bandage too when I got back to the ward and the other 2 ladies there did too…I know what you mean though, there’s always something to think about! Enjoy the sunshine, its lovely here nr shrewsbury too!! mary x


Thanks Mary- I suppose that’s true about the breast area.Good to hear that others had the pressure dressing too- I don’t mean that unkindly just a safety in numbers thing! I think I felt a bit lonely in the Ward with all the teeth people- nobody else to share the experience with and compare symptoms.

I think I need to get into a positive thinking mode!

Thanks for responding

Loe Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx

freddie - the day I was in there was the girl I met in the clinic the first time I went and was diagnosed - we recognised each other and have kept in touch since - the others were having wisdom teeth done too and were terrified bless 'em! mary x

this is my 2nd post had my breast cancer op on MOnday 6th at Taunton came home on Tyesday afternoon, its still a bit painfull & sore but the worst bit of soreness is under the arm pit, is that what others have found, its all happened in the last 6weeks & am still trying to keep positve,it was picked up o a mamogram,sorry if I am wishes to you all Pam

Hi Freddie
The girl I was in with had to have a pressure bandage too. I’ve kept intouch with her and we even went to clinic appointments with each other. She had a grade 1 with no node involvment . She had rads and is now on tamoxifen, she managed to skip the chemo. It was also teeth day both times we were in and after one of the teeth ladies heard me talking about a sick note she asked for one too. She was given short shrift by the nurse!
I think I spent too much time in the sun today - I have rather a tender scalp.
Enjoy the rest of the easter weekend.
Nicky x


Hi Pam- hope you’re okay. You don’t sound like you’re moaning at all-you should read all of my posts- I sound like a right fusspot about everything! I hope you’re recoving well. We seem to be at similar points in our journey. I haven’t had any nodes out yet as they’re not sure what’s going on with me. I have read from others that it seems to be the arm pit area that is more painful though.Keep reading and posting xxxxxx

Kittenkat and Nicky thanks so much. You’ve made me feel much better about the pressure dressing thing. I know it’s a bit silly to focus on such things but it helps to hear others have experienced similar things too.I wish I’d had a friend in the ward- it was a bit quiet on my day.The teeth ladies don’t know they’re born do they!!

These gorgeous days should cheer us all up though. I read my horoscope for the first time in ages too and it says things should be looking up for me soon-Yippee!!

Hope you’ve got some aftersun Nicky!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glad you have all been having some sunshine! South London/Surrey has been cloudy and drizzly! Send some over here!!

Pam, I had mine done on 20th and arm pit still sore, keep taking the paracetemols!! Just wish I could sleep more comfortably!

Love Debs xx

I had my WLE and nodes removed late on Tuesday and came home on Friday. Really glad to be home :slight_smile:
Hospital would have been happy for me to leave on Wednesday or Thursday with my drain in but I wanted it out first. When I wanted to leave on Friday, by this time with drain in or out, they didnt want me to go because of an infection in my breast I had pointed out to them on Thursday. Anyway, I won’t bore you with the details but it all seems to be going ok now and I have been surprised at the level of pain, much better than I expected, even under my armpit. Had a few funny moments but I think that is down to the general for the op rather than the after effects of the surgery itself. Trying not to worry too much about waiting for the results now :s
Couldnt believe how quickly you were out and posting Freddie!
I hope everyone is having a good day so far and Best Wishes to all.
LooLoo x x

Yes its very sore under arm & under arm as well painfull as well, but if thats all have to put up with am sure will cope, seems to me like others its uncomfortable to sleep,back to the hospital on Tuesday, for a check up & then go from there, its quiet a shock realising how many of us are in the same boat. is it only me I dont seem to be able to concentrate on anything for long.

Hi Pam and Looloo , How are you doing ?
I had WLE and node clearance on March 12th, yippee, 1 month ago today, and despite the pain and infection early on, I now feel really good in myself and enjoying the Easter sunshine. I am sure you will feel better each day. Are you doing your arm exercises ?
I recently had my results, lumpectomy successful with a good clear margin but unfortunately, the cancer had spread to 2 lymph nodes, not too bad out of 19 removed and I now wait until 22nd April to meet with oncologist to discuss next steps. I am terrified thinking about chemotherapy. I am such a wimp !
Hope everyone is having a good Easter and taking it easy. Good luck girls. Love Janet xx