Can't believe it............................

So good to see you on here again Freddie!! we were worried!

Love debs xxxx

bumping it so everyone can see you r back!! xxx

Yes, I was wondering where you had got to, Freddie!

Take care, and well done to OH for attempting a marathon,
Lizzie XX

Hi freddie, so pleased to see you are back with us, i even got a text on holiday from debs to tell me you were back on here, thats how much we care. Glad to here your feeling better now, a month away must of done you the power of good. Keep up with the cream on the scar, it does help, i use bio oil on mine and it does help to smooth it down. Hope you don’t have to wait too long for appointment to come through.

I have 5th chemo this week, can you believe how quick it’s going. Getting harder each time now.

Are you going back to work in sept? i am off till at least mid oct then rads begin.

Take care luv Pauline xxx