Can't concentrate..

I went to the doctor on Friday after my friend persuaded me to finally go. I have a lump on my right breast, on the side, that I have known about for at least 6 months. As Im only 32 I told myself it was a figment of my imagination or that I was being a hypochondriac as so have ignored it. The only annoying thing about it was that the area it is in always itches, but there is nothing to be seen.

Anyway when the dr looked at it, I fully expected her to tell me it was nothing and not to worry about it, but instead she confirmed there definitely was a lump and has now referred me to the urgent breast clinic.

I know the odds are on my side and the majority of lumps are benign, but Im so totally in limbo… completely distracted and cant concentrate on anything. Im so annoyed I left this for so long.

I know I have just to be patient and wait, and that there is nothing I can do just now, but I thought Id talk to people in the same situation as me!
Thanks for listening

well done for going, we all take different time to start the ball rolling. Im 36 and also thought that my lump was nothing to worry about, I first felt it on a friday evening and went to doctors following tuesday, thats all about 9 weeks ago now, last week I had my second op, a MX as lump removal didnt work. Just be brave like the rest of us. Good luck

hi pauline of course you are disracted you are in the not knowing zone

but you have done the best thing getting it checked it could well be a harmless lump and if not then it can be dealt with as we all know burying our heads doesnt solve problems i hope your lump is nothing take care x

Hi Pauline

Welcome to the BCC forums, I am posting a link to the publication ‘Referral to the breast clinic’ which you may find useful to read:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/59/

Our helpline is open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000 and our team are here to support you.

Take care

hey sweetie

glad you have posted… dont be beating yourself up now about not going sooner… you have done it now and its being investigated… even if i did have to twist your arm.

statistically speaking the odds are in your favour and that at your age a lump has a much higher chance of being a fibroadenoma than a tumour but that doesnt make the waiting game any easier.

always there for you no matter what the outcome is hunny and like i said dont be afraid to give me a buzz even if its the middle of the night.

love you hunny xxxx

Well I got my appointment through, Thursday 31st at 10am. Not long to wait now! Thanks lulu, it’s nice to know you are there! Love you too! Xxx


I had the same symptons as you but on my left. I am also 32 years old & put off going to the docs for 4 months. In the end it was a good friend that talked me into going & like you the doc confirmed things.

I have my clinic appointment on wed 30th march. I have my fingers croosed for us both :slight_smile:

I have started to paint my hall to take mind off things haha its helping :slight_smile:

Take Care x


Karen its such a horrible experience but its good to know there is somebody going through the same emotions and fears at the same time. im sure you can both get some comfort from one another… fingers crossed it all turns out ok for you both.

love and hugs xxxx

Painting the hall sounds like a good diversion technique! I’ve just been working lots, which also helps!
I can’t believe I ignored it for so long, im actually quite angry with myself… Anyway, I just want it to be thursday already so I can get reassured and find out whats happening. Fingers crossed for you, let me know how you get on. Will you get results on the day? My letter said I should expect to be there for at least 2 hours to allow for results… Wasnt expecting that, thought Id have to come back!

Anyway, we will get through this!

Hi Pauline

My hall is coming on very well haha

I was angry at myself too, but the doc says its normal for woman to put it off till there sure somethings there or till a friend pushes them forward.

The point is we have made that all important 1st move. I will let you know how things go on wed & i’d like to hear back from you too.

Have you got any1 going with you? I have a close friend coming, even just to chat to during the wait.

Take care

Karen x

I’m taking my mum with me… Def cant face going alone!
Iv filled the next few days with things to do, so hopefully the time will pass by quickly!
What colour you painting the hall??

I’ve gone a little bolder then normal, its called “victoria” - a dark plum color. It gos on very pink but it darkens lovely. I’m very happy with it so far :slight_smile:

It’s great your mum is going with you, my mum passed 5 years ago from Lung Cancer. I wish she was coming with me on wed, but my friend is like my big sister so I could ask for more.

Lets hope this weekend is good weather wise so we can get out & enjoy the fresh air. I good walk or bike ride can work wonders in the right weather :slight_smile:

Take Care

K x

Hi ladies
best of luck to both of you for this week fingers are X’d for u :slight_smile:
tina x

all the very best for you both, you have definately done the right thing, hopefully you will both be ok and the lumps will be nothing to worry about, if not, you have done right to get them looked at and treated, no matter what gets thrown at you, be brave, always think positive, and remember there will always be someone been there before you (most probably on here somewhere lol) that can give you help, reassurance and advice, will be thinking of you both love liz xxx

How are you feeling Karen?? Just want to wish you luck for tomorrow. Will be thinking about you, please let us know how you get on!

karen keeping my fingers crossed that its good news tomorrow.

Lulu xx


I can’t sleep 2night!

I had my sons parents evening tonight. It was great as usual :slight_smile: He’s in P4 & is doing very well. So right up till he & his sister went to bed i was doing fine.

I just filled in the clinic’s form, really for 2morr morning.

Thank you all for the support. I will let you know how the clinic go’s pauline, so you have an idea about thurs yourself.

Hugs 2 u all xx


i know its so hard not to fear the worst and when you come on here and read stories about younger women getting breast cancer it almost seems like its the norm.

but at your age there is a significantly increased chance that it would be a fibroadenoma or a cyst and not a cancer.

it doesnt make the worry go away or that horrible fear of the unknown.

but you will get through no matter what the outcome is we are all here for you xxxx

Hi Ladies,

I went to my appointment this morning. I was told before seeing the consultant that I would only be getting an examination today & if thing were normal then thats as must as i’d need.

The consultant was very nice & confirmed a large mass in the left breast & a smaller 1 (which i didn’t know about) in my right.

I am going back tomorrow for a scan & biopsy if needed.

I feel calmer now that someone else has felt the same as me. I was thinking It was in my head as my GP wasn’t 100% herself.

Thank you all, your words off support are so appreciated.

@Pauline - I will be thinking off you tomorrow. Hope its good news, we are all here for you xx

Take care all xx

oh Karen i have been thinking of you and wondering how you got on.

im glad you are feeling calmer about it all and hope you get some good news tomorrow.
