Hi, im 34 and last year i noticed a green discharge from my left nipple. Straight away i thought the worst!I went to my GP and she referred me to the breast clinic at North Manchester General Hospital. I went, they examined me, i had an ultra sound scan and was told it was nothing to worry about. I went home very confused as i didnt think it was normal. Anyway i got on with things an d then went back for my 3 month follow up in november. The same again only this time i was told that i had multi-ductal discharge and that i could have the blocked ducts removed if i wanted to but the consultant wasnt too worried and didnt think surgery was necessary at this point. I was left completely baffled. Then over christmas i started getting a pain from deep inside my left armpit right down to my nipple. This has since got progressivly worse and now im in constant pain. Also my nipple has now started to bleed as well as the green discharge. I went to my GP again and she said that she could feel thickeneing on the side of my breast and a few cyst-like lumps. I got an emergency appointment for tomorrow at 6pm to see the consultant at the same beast clinic. I feel so worried and anxious not to mention in constant agony, I have been told im too young for a mammogram but how else can they see what it is? I have read through some of the posts on here and they are so helpful from a lot of brave women. Im not a strong person and i cant help but worry xx
Hello misstwinks I just had to come in and say thank goodness you are finally being listened to and don’t forget you can always ask for a second opinion. Good luck love from Linda x
Hi Misstwinks
I have purchased a device from Boots called Breastlight. It shows any changes in the breast and coupled with your own examinations will help to spot any changes but it DOES NOT replace going to the GP if you have a problem.
Good luck for torrmorrow I think everyone should be entitled to a mamogram if required.
V x
Hi Misstwinks,
I just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow!XX
I am also 34 & have a thickeing, Pain & some discharge on my left breast. I was told in September after an Ultra sound scan that all would be fine - nothing to worry about & to take Evening Primrose oil, but i went back last week to be told that the Dr was now worried & he wanted me to have a Mamogram as none of the symptoms have gone away. I was told by a nurse i was to young to have one when i was talking to her in September.
I have just had my appointment through & Mamogarm is set for 10th Feb. (think they are just harder to read at our age!)
I have found this website to be so much help & hope that you do to.
Good Luck again - let us no how you get on.
Hannah XX
Hi misstwinks
Its sounds like you’re having a pretty worrying time at the moment. If you would like to read about the different tests which can be done please order a copy or read on line the BCC booklet, ‘referral to a breast clinic’. It includes information about the types of tests which may be carried out at the breast clinic. If you would like a copy of this just follow this link:-
I hope this is helpful.
Kind regards Sam (BCC Facilitator)
hi misstwinks
i have been treated at NMGH after having not the greatest experience with my initial referral to fairfield and i have to say they have been really good. I was 35 when i had my tests done last year and was told i was borderline for effectiveness of US/Mammogram. I actually had my US at oldham but they were suspicious of the results enough to do a mammogram that day and a biopsy the day after.
I had no other symptoms except for a small lump at the side of my breast.
I’m not sure if this is at all reassuring for you but NMGH has a fab breast cancer nurse service who you may be able to speak to about your concerns. It is the most worrying time waiting for apps and results and feeling like you are being left in limbo is awful.
Best of luck with your app tonight. Please let us know how you get on.
Hi Misstwinks and anybody else listening.
Misstwinks, how did your appointment go?
In the Daily Telegraph today there is an article about Breastlight which can be purchased at Boots.
I’d recommend it to anyone because of what you can see in the breast by using it.
The Breastlight has been roundly condemned by pretty much everybody. Don’t touch with a bargepole.
Hi all,
After seeing this post regarding the breast light I passed this to the nursing team who pass on the following information,
Jo, Facilitator
I wanted to come in here and give you some information about the Breastlight. Currently, there is no proof or sufficient clinical evidence that the Breastlight product results in earlier detection of breast cancer, increases survival or is any more helpful than the normal practice of being breast aware.
At Breast Cancer Care, we speak to people with breast cancer and breast cancer concerns every day and we know that self check devices may only serve to worry people, often unnecessarily.
Breast Cancer Care advocates being breast aware alongside the Department of Health, Royal College of Nursing, other UK breast cancer charities and other UK health bodies.
As you know, the breast awareness five point code encourages women to know what is normal for them and to report any changes, not just lumps, to their GP.
If you have any personal concerns about your health, please do see your GP or if you just want to talk things through with someone please do call our freephone helpline on 0808 800 6000
Kind regards,
Information Nurse"
Hi all, thanx for all ur messages of support it really helped. Anyway, my app. went ok, i had some swabs taken (of the green discharge) and i have to go back in 8 weeks for a follow up and the results. I feel a confused as the consultant didnt seem 2 concerned about the pain, and because it wouldnt bleed ‘on demand’ he seemed to dismiss it, but i dont know if it was just me over-reacting and being 2 cautious. He also suggested evening primrose oil but im still not convinced. Im going to wait til my next app. and if im still not happy then i,ll be back on asking for your advice again! it helps to talk (or type) to others as you know what im feeling. Thanx again to you all, much appreciated xx
Hi all, im back again, got a phone call this morning from the breast clinic asking me if i could go up at 2pm as my swab results have come back abnormal, well alarm bells start!!! I went to see the consultant who told me that they found abnormal cells in the discharge from my nipple and that i would have to have a mammogram.
After what seemed like hours of waiting (25 mins!)i went in for a mammogram and boy did it hurt!!! Now its just a case of waiting for results and my next appointment in six weeks. Im going to try not to think about it but still i cant help but worry! fingers crossed and thanx for listening xx
Hi Misstwinks the waiting is horrible stay positive fingers crossed your results will be good. x
Thanx lala, ive put it to the back of my mind (well tried) and im concentrating on my 'lent’diet - no chocolate,cakes or biscuits for lent! ive done it every year for the past 5 yrs and lost nearly 2 stone each time!!! best diet ive ever done!! so hopefully it will stop me worrying about anything else!! xxxx
Hi all, well its been a good few weeks nnow and i still havent got the results back from the mammogram i had and im am starting to worry more than usual! Im still getting a dark green discharge from my nipple but now the pain from deep inside my armpit to inside my breast is constant, im taking stronger painkillers more often but i dont know what or why im getting this pain? can anyone shed any light on this? its got that bad that ive had to change my bras to non-wired as wired are just so uncomfortable. Im back at the breast clinic on the 19th april (they forgot to send me another appointment for my results!!)Has anyone else experienced the same symptoms and if so what did you do? Also i lost 22lbs in weight this lent after giving up chocolate, cakes and biscuits!! anyway thanx for the support xx
hi when i hadnt heard about my mamo results and had other problems within the breast i phoned the hospital breast dep and they put me onto the breast nurse who told me my mamo was clear but got me an earlier appointment with the consultant to discuss the changes, i know hav my US booked for tmrw
hope this helps x
Thanx Kazz,
My appointment is 2moro but its the pain thats my main concern, its constant and feels deep inside my breast up to inside my armpit so i seem to be taking a lot of painkillers but theres nothing i can do til i see the consultant. Im not going to worry or i’ll never get to sleep and its back to school for the kids 2moro (yippeee!)Thanx for your concern, i’ll let you know how it goes, louise xxx
Hi Louise,
Just a note to say hpe all went well with your appointment yesterday and you got some good answers to relieve your worries.
I was at the same clinic to get my results from my recent breast op too.
Good Luck, hope all turns out good
Sue xx
Thanx Sue,
Ive got to go in on the 12th May to have the ducts removed from my left breast. The doctor said the pain wasnt related but was chest wall pain? But because the swab results came back abnormal they have decided to remove all the ducts. They were a bit aprehensive because of my age but ive thought it through a hundred times and just want it sorted! Thanx for your support and i hope your well xx
Interesting that someone else had a bad experience at Fairield, I went there in 2008 and was told there was nothing wong with my breast (I was 36) - insisted on a USS which I had at Oldham, that found the tumour, I had a mammo the same day which showed NOTHING, biopsies the next day showed lobular cancer. Have changed my care to N Manchester now, as they have agreed to do follow up MRIs rather than mammograms.
Hope you get sorted MissTwinks, I have been treated well at NMGH xx
I was diagnosed with a cyst in May 2008. The ‘cyst’ slowly grew so I wenmt back last year, only to be told I had grade 3 with lymph node involvement.
Julia xx