Can't sleep as so frightened

I had a mammogram a year ago as part of a health screen provided by my employers and it was all clear. As I have left the company, I took up the invitation for a mammogram on the NHS as I thought I had better get onto the screening program. I was called back as apparently there is a suspicious area on my left breast. On the one hand I am terrified that it will be cancer, but then I think, will the last one was only a year ago and that was clear. I am not sleeping, I am thinking and overthinking possible outcomes. I go for my appointment on Wednesday and am counting down the hours. 

Hi Julie, This waiting in limbo stage is just awful and I can remember the feelings of terror so clearly still! 

Most recalls are fine so try not to convince yourself it’s going to be bad news because it’s likely not to be, mine was a referral via my GP after I found a lump but the waiting for an appointment at clinic bit was pretty brutal. I can tell you though although I was diagnosed things were nothing like I was imagining, try not to get ahead of yourself and just focus on getting to weds and take things from there if you need to Xx Jo 

Hi Julie.
I totally understand how you are feeling. Just under a week ago I found a lump in my left breast. I managed to get an appointment at the doctors on the same day and she referred me for an urgent appointment at the hospital. My appointment isn’t until the 14th Nov and I’m sick with worry. I’m not sleeping well at all and have. Feeling of dread! I’m normally a glass half full type of girl but this has knocked me for 6!
I have everything crossed for you for Wednesday x

Thanks Julie. To be honest I hadn’t even thought about doing that, have got myself in a state and my rational thinking has gone out of the window. I’ll ring tomorrow and see if there has been any cancellations.xx

Hi Juliem, I came across these threads tonight, as I sit wide awake for the fifth night. I found a lump last Wednesday and managed to get a GP appt same day. He referred me instantly and my breast clinic appt is Tuesday. The waiting is awful! I can’t sleep properly, my head is all over the place and I feel completely vulnerable. Never before has something made me this anxious…despite knowing it’s likely to be benign. I think when we have too much time to consider the possibilities, our imaginations run wild!


Good luck with your tests, I hope it all goes well. Same to anyone else out there who is waiting. X

The waiting is awful isn’t it Sue. I know exactly how you are feeling. Good luck with your tests too xx

I’m in Weds after finding a lump and seeing my GP on Weds, I am very grateful that the 2 week wait isn’t going to be that long.  I kind of forgot about the appointment as the antibiotics my GP gave me “just in case” made me awfully sick before the weekend.  Not recommended but useful as now I am not being sick all I can think of are the what-ifs. 


For ladies with the max 2 week wait is it worth asking about a different clinic?  I live between 2 hospitals and my GPs surgery always look at both and offer me the choice. Not breat related but when I had gynae issues there were several weeks difference in the dates from one to the other.


Good luck to everyone with appointments this week.  

Good luck today Sue. Please keep us posted xx

How are you feeling Julie? X

I hope that your appointments both go well tomorrow Julie and Bellagio xx

This is fantastic news! So pleased for you xx

Had my appointment today. Had a mammogram, scan and core biopsy. Have my follow up appointment on 28th November for the results of my biopsy, another 2 weeks of anxious waiting ?Xx

That’s great news JulieM!

Thank you WMJ, I really appreciate your support.
I asked at the hospital if I could ring and get results and they said that they are never given over the phone, they make 2 week appointments so that they can make sure that they have it 100% right. I actually feel ok at the moment, keep telling myself that I’m in no different a position than I was 3 weeks ago before finding the lump.
For anyone waiting for appointments try not to worry, there were lots of people at the clinic and most were discharged after a scan, the staff at the clinics are amazing and really look after you. Xx

Thank you xxx

Thanks Strudel. Feels like the longest few weeks of my life. Just want to know one way or the other. Feel like I’m on hold at the moment, am managing day to day life but anything other than that is beyond me at the moment xx

Just an update ladies. It’s a fibroadenoma! Got to have it removed but that’s nothing in comparison! Thank you for all your support x

Thank you. So relieved xx

Wishing you all the best of luck with the radiotherapy xxx