Hi Libby - i’m day 9 of chemo 2, using the cold cap but lost tons of hair (from my head ) - no hairloss from anywhere else - anywhere!
Sods law or what!
Hi Libby - i’m day 9 of chemo 2, using the cold cap but lost tons of hair (from my head ) - no hairloss from anywhere else - anywhere!
Sods law or what!
Hi, I’m on day 14 after first FEC and this morning my body hair (down below!)started to come out (noticed it when I went to the loo first thing!). I’ve also had a few strands from my head if I run my fingers through it, nothing major yet but definitely seems like it’s started now. Eyebrows seem ok so far.
I decided to give myself a full leg shave & trimmed my bits so there’s less to drop off. Also got my hairdresser friend lined up with the shears ready for the GI Jane look next week.
Seems we all get affected at different times eh?
Hi all, im due for my second fec tomorrow, no hair from my body yet but hair on head like straw and coming out very fast now! Made decision im going to do something about it next week, hair is everywhere all over my back and in my food yuk!
take care
Anne x
Im 13 days on from my first fec, and its happening!. Hair on the pillow n undies. Ive got a good head of hair so im hoping it wont go patchy til the weekend as im off to a party friday night. I couldnt bring myself to tell my partner this morning and hes away til tomorrow night. Im annoyed with myself that im so worried of what people will think and will they stare. Im going out today to buy myself a nice outfit to hopefully cheer myself up, paint my nails and most likely have a few glasses of happy tonic tonight.
Hi all thanks so much for your comments/posts. Very varied experiences we all are having. Had 2nd FEC on 23/3 so am day 16 or so. Before last Fec saw Onc and he was really surprised about my having hair still despite cold cap and said next 7 days were when I would loose it.Can’t help wondering whether I am having enough of the chemo ( esp. as 1st 3 MM did not work at all)Can’t win can you?
Scallywag hope you manage to have hair for your party. I would also be worried about what people might think whay plans do you have? Scarves/wig/au naturelle?( I am wondering what to do if my hair is to fall out whilst I am on A/L so that I could get my wig sorted before going back to a v. largely female environment where even a sideways blink would be commented on) or s-d it and wear a scarf and let them pick the bones out of that.Lyn, Fab 40 and Anne thanks for your comments I was getting so worried about all of this and there is a limit as to what you can ask your mates and BCN etc.Thanks so much ladies.
LOL Jackie
Libby- Have a great wig ready to wear, looks like my hair but with a few blonde highlights, my daughter is the brains now, she is going to shave my hair on Saturday and is looking forward to it, cant think of what I did to her when she was growing up, but im sure all will be revealed on Saturday lol…
Just on a different note, has anyone felt there bottom lip twitching, like when your eye twitches and you think everyone can see it. It feels really strange. This has only just started but on the plus side my mouth isnt sore anymore.
Hi Sally I too have a wig lined up, it is very similar in colour to my own hair but like your with a few blonde highlights.Also in a style I ahd a few years ago. My daughter is also the brains now we obviously did a good job with bringing them up.Go for it girls on Sat and have a lovely party.Sorry no idea what the lip twitching is, but we are all super sensitive to things we might have ignored before but at the same time we do also need to be alert to SE, can’t win can we.Glad your mouth is no longer sore.Did you find a new outfit?
Body hair now really sparse/almost gone.One eyebrow more patchy and really itchy how weird is that?Just been told by an old friend(had BC 5 yrs ago) that she used a WELLA hair serum and shampoo and claims it is very good when loosing hair/lost it/growing back.It is called Balance scalp. Found a local stockist but the serum is £19 and shampoo around £10 but saw it on an internet site for rather less, got the serum but am not sure it will be a match for the epirubicin but it may help with the scalp and growing back of hair.Thanks for all the comments LOL and hugs Jackie
Jackie, thought I would go with the blonde highlights as my hair goes lighter in the summer.That sounds strange seeing as i’m gonna be bald by then!!!. Ive gone from long hair to a choppy bob, so the wig is bobbish too. People say its taken years off of me. Didnt get a new outfit for tonight, will get out my nice tops which I packed away after my mx. Just hope my cumfy stays in place,lol. Lots more hair coming out today but think it will be ok for tonight. Scared to wash or brush it though. Scared to use hair spray incase it comes off in one go although I would probably laugh if that happened. Thanks for the hair care product info have written down a few from previous threads and will price them up on line before I spend my precious S/S pay. Have just added a profile picci to turn me into a real person on here. Its made me feel better knowing im not a blob. Will think later on about a wig picci or bald one. Hope you all have a good positive weekend
I like the picture a lot Sally, I had the cold cap on yesterday, been told not to touch the hair for as long as I can stand it, very hard, I love my straighteners! Have not got a wig, decided on lots of nice hats. Not sure about eyebrows and lashes, never tried false ones before. xxxhugs. Tina
I got a wig aswell, not sure if I’ll wear it or not, but it’s there just in case. I’ve always had short hair, and although the wig is fairly short, it just seem so much fuller than my own hair so feels weird.
I’m going to get my head shaved next week (got a busy weekend and I want to give my hair one last blast with the straighteners tomorrow!).
I went into town yesterday and got some bargain hats from H&M - they were selling all their winter hats off at £1 each, so I got £5’s worth - 2 baker boy hats, and 3 woolie beanie hats. I do like a good bargain!
I’m going to book onto a Look Good Feel Better day soon aswell, so I can figure out how to draw eyebrows - if I had a go now, I think I’d end up looking like something off of the muppet show!
Leah - you might be lucky and keep your eyebrows. I am 5 chemos down and 1 to go and still have my eyebrows - they look a bit moth eaten, but the shape is still there. The lashes went though, but seem to be growing back now.
I’m two years out from chemo (epi + xeloda Tact 2 trial) and although I lost all my hair (body and head) I didn’t lose my eyebrows or eyelashes. My hair is now shoulder length and I feel like ‘me’.
Good luck to all of you going through chemo. If I can do it anyone can.
You’ll soon be out the other side. It’s not pleasant but is doable. I can vouch for that.
Mal x
hi girls ,had my 1st chemo 15 days ago and for the last 3 days the amount of hair thats came out is unreal,ive usually really thick hair and now its really thin ,but not coming out in clumps just layers,also wait for it went back to work on tues ,pleaded with my manager to let me come in for a couple of hours a day ,im a customer care advisor for a big energy company ,and bored with being in the house all day needed to get back to some normality ,probably the wrong choice and kiddin myself on but heres hoping i can work through this .thinkthe rest of my hair will be out by sunday,im so scared ,this is the hardest part of this ,got a really nice wig which probably takes 10yrs off me,hair down below coming out aswell ,but im glad to read your comments ,this site gives you so much support and youse make me laugh aswell .
Hi ladies,
I hate my wig, when i tried it i liked it, but tend to wear scarves all the time. Had a good laugh in Tescos the other day, just nipped in to get a jar of pasta sauce - no scarf, no wig just baldy head.
A little girl asked her Mum in a very loud voice is that a Man or a Lady, the Mum was mortified and started bustling about. My daughter and i just laughed and walked off.
Now how you all feel on the crying though, i try to be strong in front of my daughters but sometimes it just creeps up on me and bursts out in floods. Mind you it means they then give me big hugs.
Love to all
Liz xx
Hi girls,
got through the party ok, bit sick of people saying you look so well but hey ho. Had a strange moment when someone asked how i was getting on and my OH piped up she is doing really well and we are fine???. I realised im not the only one going through this and they do say you tell the truth when your rat-arsed. Was a pleasant evening though apart from rampant indigestion from drinking a gallon of coke. Well this morning my hair was shaved, it was all over the place and it did have to go. My daughter performed a No1 after she my 3 year old grandaughter and my OH hacked me with the scissors. At first I couldnt look in the mirror, then we got the wig ready and i was back with a grin on my face. Ive been out shopping, Treated myself and am now watching tv with a large bacardi and coke, streaming nose and a wooly hat on. Its amazing how your hair keeps u warm. Im sure the rest will be gone within a few days as there is baldy patches. I just want to say the stress leading up to today was worse than it is. I hope i will keep on having a good relationship with my wig, ive got a sneaky feeling i will probably go bare very soon ha ha. xxxx
Sorry, either chemo or bacardi head on, just changed my picci to wig and my grandaughter Grace. Think I need a name for the wig!!! xxxxx
Hi Sally Love the pic. Glad the party went well and that the OH obviously got into the ‘swing of things’. Sounds like a family event with the departing of the hair.You sound really positive and upbeat about it.Your grand daughter loves like a bundle of fun.Your wig is so similar to mine in style and colour.Enjoy the rest of the week-end am hoping for more sun tomorrow and more time in the garden. LOL Jackie
You both look gorgeous! Funny though, every one always says to me you don’t look ill and you cope so well, no choice really someone has got to get the kids from school and make dinner!!, and my DH always tells everyone we are fine!! Admitting it’s hard at times to the outside world is not a man thing I think!
xxxwarm hugs, Tinaxxx
Re wig,
Libby, didnt really think about people having the same style wig as me. How funny would it be if when Im waiting for my next chemo half a dozen others walk in with the same wig. I think im going to start carrying my camera around with me just incase i miss a photo oppotunity.Does anyone know if you can put more than one picci into an album on here.
Sally I didn’t mean that we should not have the same style of wig. Mine is similar in colour to my real stuff, and the style sismilar to one I had at this time last year in another life. It was either copper coloured pre-raphaelite curls or something similar to the original stuff. Hope tis wasn’t taken the wrong way in either case your picc is lovely and Grace looks adorable .LOL Jackie