cant stop worrying

Hi can anyone help me stop worrying about cancer. I have an appt with both a breast clinic next week and possibly be having a colonoscopy for stomach related problems.
I recently had a retracted nipple and now im having burning sensations in breast and dull ache pains in chest and underarm. My other nipple is started to turn inwards now. I cant stop googling which is bad. Also found out that i have low folate levels and nee dto take tablets can this be a cause from cancer.

I have 3 youg children and not sleeping well with all this hanging over my head any help would be appreciated.

Hi Musamicbeat. It’s a horrid time waiting for investigations/results/treatments. It’s absolutely ‘normal’ to worry about it all. The ‘Google’ can bring some interesting sites but a lot are not that helpful and can cause you to worry more whereas I found this site to have lots of up to date information plus the other people going through the agonies of waiting and wondering etc. It certainly helped me to be a bit better informed for when I had my first appointment.
Check back often.
Thinking of you

Hi Musamicbeat and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support you have here please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which is open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2, our team are here to support you during this worrying time

Take care


Hi musamicbeatpg

I doubt if your lack of folate is cancer related, but you mentioned you are having a colonoscopy. If you have problems with your stomach, it might be because of that. I used to have very low FB when younger. I was on nsaids for RA. I also had some pain in my stomach. They decided it was because I was probably having a very slow, light bleed from my stomach and took me off nsaids. Problem solved for me. But if you have a leaky gut, or something like that, it could cause low FB.

I can’t answer about the inverted nipples, or breast pain. Good luck with your appointment at breast clinic, and also colonoscopy.