Can't take another alendronic acid

I had my first once weekly alendronic acid tablet last Sunday. Felt so sick all day, it was just like going back to chemotherapy nausea. I am 38 and am just on the borderline of osteoporosis. Is there any alternative to this bloody awful drug?

Hi starflower,

I know exactly what you mean.
I was started on this 4 weeks ago and found it unbearable. The first dose was the worst and I am now due to take my 5th on sunday. The directions say that the first few doses are the worst, and the last one did seem easier, but I find that the sickness etc. lasts for a few days, then I get about 1 or 2 good days, before I have to take it again!
You say you have been given it for borderline osteoporosis- duew you know what your T score is from your dexa scan? Mine was T = -3.1

Take care XXXX

I am on alendronic acid too and felt very sick an bloated for the first three or four times I took it. I went to my GP and asked for an alternative and they gave me a monthly tablet called something like bonedrat, but this was much worse. I ended up with stomach ache for about 10 days. i tried it for two months but couldn’t stand it so went back on alendronic acid weekly.
I follow the instructions and yes i have definately got used to it, in fact i don’t have any bloatedness or sickness now. I hope you get used to it too.

I have mild osteopaenia and am 39 and have had an induced menapause.

Hi I have zometa by iv every 3 weeks and have suffered with no se at all. Whereas when I was iondronic acid I had terrible side effects. I was prescribed Omeprazole to take and these did help with the side effects but not having to bend or eat for 30/60 mins afer tablet I found a nuisance particularly now I am on oral chemotheraphy and I have to eat before I can take these tablets. So it was much easier to stick with the zometa. Having bone mets I would advise anyone to find an alternative if your not happy with your treatment but dont give up on having some form of bone strengthener.

Best of luck Ann B x

Not sure what i was given 2 years ago but only took it for 4 weeks then came off. Had chat with doctor and decided to come off and leave it for two years then have another bone scan and see how my old bones were going. I am 52 but had secondary cancer 18 months after my breast cancer. I have since been back to the practice and seen another doctor who was quite blunt and could see no reason for me to have a bone density test. In fact her words were you will not be cured!!! Did not understand that the drugs made me feel really ill and my quality of life was not great. This doctor is having a chat with the doctor that agreed this…wish i was a fly on the wall. I am returning to see this other doctor in just over 1 week it will be interesting to see what happens. I would suggest to ask to try another drug/treatment.In fact i would really push it.

Hi there
Don’t know if it will help but I take Actonel (risedronate sodium) once a week plus Calcichew, and I don’t have any side effects from it.
Not long ago, I had a letter from my GP saying that they were changing my prescription to Alendronic Acid as it was the same but cheaper. When I took these I did feel ill, went to GP and she said it was the same but made up slightly differently. She put me back on original prescription and all is okay again.

I’m on IV Zometa every 3 weeks the same as AnnB and also have no se’s - except for the very first dose, when I had flu like symptoms for 36 hours. So maybe this reaction is just to the new drug and subsequent doses will be more tolerable, perhaps worth waiting to find out. I will be switching to daily tablets next year. If the nausea continues, maybe it is worth asking to change to a daily tab, as I imagine the doses are smaller and maybe the se’s wont be as intense.

Hope you manage to get this sorted out xx

That sounds awful. I have not been prescribed alendronic acid yet, and I say yet coz it has been flagged for the future. I was told I could have it intaveneously to combat the side effects. Worth an ask

Hi I was also put on alendronic acid in Aug after a DEXA scan having been started on Arimidex in July.My scan showed normal density in femoral necks and ‘mild’ osteopenia in Lumbar 1-3 result -0.6.When I saw my Onc last week he told me that in the light of new research ‘his network’ had looked at amending their criteria for alendronic acid and this now made me borderline. He discussed the pros and cons and we agreed I would consider this and we would revisit at my appt in Jan.I was given TEVA or TEKA brand initially and although the 1st few were OK I felt bloated on the day I took them after that.I have blamed the Arimidex for the persistent nausea as I am sure it pre dates the alendronic acid. On my 3rd repeat script I was given a radiopharm brand version and have been better on them.When I asked at the dispensary ( I am a dispensing patient at my GP practice) I was told as they have a contract with TEVA/TEKA I would normally have them, but they had been unavailable when the last order was made. The dispenser has said she would put my name on the remaining few of the radiopharm boxes as I can only get a 1 month supply of anything at a time.Now in a quandary as when I checked with the National Osteoporosis society about dietary calcium all this came up and the guy on the phone expressed surprise before he regained his composure that with my DEXA results which he felt were good for my age warranted alendronic acid.Do I continue or risk not taking it. Wish I wasn’t borderline but this has been the case with much of my BC treatment. Thanks for letting me ramble aloud. Jackiexx

Hi been back to the doctor and had a long chat with him. He said there are two new drugs about to come on the market. The company’s are saying that there are less side effects but i am waiting until these are on the market.He seemed to think that one was coming out next month but both should be available by feb next year. Maybe worth asking your GP about these.

I was prescribed alendronic acid as my DEXA scan showed mildish osteoporosis when I started arimidex. After reading about it I returned the box of tabs unused. I can’t even eat an orange on an empty stomach as it hurts so much.
My GP has suggested strontium ranelate and from the internet it does appear to have less side effects but there are restrictions on when you can take it i.e. not at the same time of the day as calcium, however it has aspartmane in it and I have trouble with that! In the USA I believe you can buy strontium citrate over the counter and I think that has a similar effect. I’m still wondering if I should chase that up.

Hi, I have been on Alendronic acid for 3.5 years now and it does get easier - and it does work. My bones have improved dramatically since i went on it from “significant” to “mild” thinning. I’ve also been told by my onc that it acts as a preventative to bone mets too by hindering the bone’s susceptibility to bc. So I would say persevere if you can bear it! Good luck. Mo

Hi all,

I would be very interested to hear how many of you who are being treated wityh an AI, when did you actually start taking them?

I am curious to know, because some of you mention that you have been started on alendronic acid for oseopenia.
Thing is, I think my GP may have mis-managed by bone density. I had a dexa scan 2005 when I had my ovaries out (dx IDC 2004)which showed ostepenia lumbar spine and t score was - 2.01. I was told this was ok and dd not need treatment(i was taking tamoxifen).
In 2006 I was changed to arimidex and despite having t score of -2.01 and having had early menopause, not monitored for bone density, or treated with anything.
Despite asking a few times if I should have another dexa scan, my gp said not needed. However, I insisted on having one in August this year(having taken AI for nearly 5 years) and have now got osteoporosis (T score lumbar spine now -3.1.)

So, I was wondering if this is a new thing, measuring BMD with dexa scan and treating with bisphosphonates/calcium supplements if on AI/early menopuase, or have I not been managed properly?
Sorry if thats a bit muddly! Would really appreciate any replies. XX

Hi there Starflower - I took alendronic acid for about three months - it nearly destroyed me mentally and physically. There is another option but think it has to be agreed by onc - draw back is it’s intrivenous but I think it lasts three months. I didn’t go for this option just decided to take the risk because I hopefully finish tabs next April. I’m just trying to be careful and not fall!!!

Posted on behalf of Lupin15

Hi I am not completely sure about this but i originally had breast cancer and was treated with tamox as you was. I unfortunately had secondary in the back of my neck so had chemio this time and my ovaries zapped, then put onto arrimedex, then aromasin and now femera. I was told i could get osteoporosis which in my case i have. I took the acid for about 1 month and really was quite poorly and so decided to not take any for 2 years.I am not sure but i think the treatment may vary from area to area but i am sure the other ladies will be able to tell you. I am having to phone the hospital again to get another bone dens done because my gp is not allowed to do it??? Don’t ask sick of it all at the moment. It will be interesting to see if anyone else has a view/experience in this area.

My T-score was -2.5. I haven’t taken another alendronic acid since that first one. I went to my GP tonight and he is going to look at the guidelines for the IV version and get back to me.

GP has now offered Risedronate (Actonel) or disodium didronate (Didronel) both of which have to be taken with a full glass of wter and not lie down etc. They sound the same as alendronic acid to me. Has anyone had experience of these?