Capecitabine advice

Hi am new to this, does anyone have any suggestions to help with the painful feet side effect of this drug. I have tried different insoles in my shoes an rubbing cream in my feet. My drugs have been reduced to see if this helps, but so far no difference. I am supposed to be taking part in my local race for life in May, any suggestions would be welcome!

hi sorry cant really help you im also on cap but have very little se we have another thread ill find it and bump it up for you the ladies on there might have more experinces all i have been told in soak your feet in cold water also rub loads of cream in each night sorry im not much help maybe you can ask onc for some help gd luck tc laura

hi, i am on same drug and had bad hand and foot 2 begin with,ur onc might drop ur dose ,did that with me twice, then i read an article about vit B6 for h&f and sterted that about 3or 4 cycles ago and have had litle probs since, i also wear dr scholls feet pads the ones u put over ur toe 2 keep in place, i use udderly smooth cream 2 or 3 times a day and put little white botties on feet at nite ,get them in boots. luv Kezzie90x

Hi to all capecitabiners / Xeloda princesses, especially those who’ve recently joined us.
<waves hand fingers=“” with=“” funny=“” nails but=“” skin=“” not=“” too=“” blistered=“” today=“”></waves>

Earlier threads are here:

You can “save to discussion” in your profile, any threads that are of interest. :slight_smile:

I’m an old hand now, bc/bone mets since 2006, liver mets since summer 2009. Now on cycle 17 of cape (started Jan 2011), things seem stable, seeing onc re next cycle next week. I’m still amazed that we can have chemotherapy as tablets, and that for many of us, it is very effective.

Thank Mrs Blue :slight_smile:

I’m on the last week of my 2nd cycle, it’s been a tough one cos I’ve had a cold through all of it, so very fatigued most of the time.

Hi. Saw this thread and thought I would let you know how beneficial vit b6 has been. Just finished my 8th cycle of capecitabine and was prescribed it after 7th cycle! What a difference - no more bright purple, shiny leather looking palms and soles of feet which had open sores and blisters. Definitely worth asking for some if you get to the hard to walk stage! All the best

Me too except it’s my hands and my feet. Have just joined this site to try and access advice. I am just about finished my second cycle but have been on different chemo’s since August last year. My sympathies are with you.